COS 426 Home

General hints
- First of all, go to the precepts either Mon 8:00pm or
Thu 3:30pm in CS Bldg. 105.
- Next, make use of our office hours
and lab hours.
- Also, you can always send us e-mail or post questions to the newsgroup.
- Check out how to setup your
account to run the COS 426 programs.
Project 3 hints
- For the surface of revolution part, check this example
of a inventor file.
Some people have asked about how to create the user
interface for the different types of curves. We suggest
using the same button for all of them, and having a menu
item "Curves" in the Options menu, with submenu items for
each kind of curve. Take a look at this
suggesition of how this could
be done (thanks to Allison).
- Stay tuned for more...