SECOND MIDTERM: Wednesday, next week Covers Reading and Exercises for Weeks 5--8 and Lectures 9--17 Closed book --------------------------------------------- READING for Week 8 Sedgewick, 217-223, 230-241, 477-508 --------------------------------------------- EXERCISES for Week 8 1. Write a C program to print all the keys less than a given value v in a binary search tree. 2. Draw the binary tree representation described in Property 5.4 of the tree 3. Give the inorder and postorder traversal for the tree whose preorder traversal is A B C - - D - - E - F - -. The letters correspond to labelled internal nodes; the minus signs to external nodes. 4. Sedgewick, Exercise 5.79 5. Give the stack contents, in the style of Figure 5.27, for the preorder, inorder, and postorder traversals of the center tree in Exercise 5.79. 6. Sedgewick, Exercise 12.27 7. Sedgewick, Exercise 12.33 8. Sedgewick, Exercise 12.44 9. Sedgewick, Exercise 12.49 10. A binary tree is said to be "balanced" if the height of its left subtree differs from the height of its right subtree by at most 1. Write a C program to determine if a given binary tree is balanced. --------------------------------------------- Answers to Exercises for Week 8 1. void smaller(link tree, int v) { if ( tree == NULL ) return; smaller(tree->l); if ( tree->key >= v ) return; printf("%d ", v); smaller(tree->r); } 2. 3. Inorder: - C - B - D - A - E - F - Postorder: - - C - - D B - - - F E A 4. left middle right preorder D B A C F E G C B A D E E D B A C H F G I inorder A B C D E F G A B C D E A B C D E F G H I postorder A C B E G F D A B E D C A B C D G F I H E level-order D B F A C E G C B D A E E D H B C F I A G 5. preorder inorder postorder C* C* C* C B* D* B* C D* B* D* C B* D* A* B C D* A* B D* C B A* D* A B C D* A B D* C A* D* B C D* B D* C A D* C D* D* C D* D* E* D C D E* D E* E D C E* E* D C E E C 6. S E A Y Q U T I O N 7. 8. 9. int searcheqR(link h, Key v) { Key t = key(h->item); int val = 0; if (h == z) return 0; if less(v, t) return searchR(h->l, v); else return searchR(h->r, v) + (eq(v, t) ? 1 : 0); } int STsearcheq(Key v) { return searcheqR(head, v); } 10. Apparantly, the height needs to be computed, at least until some unbalanced node is found. So this routine returns the height, -1 if the tree is not balanced. int balanced(link tree) { int bl, br; if ( tree == NULL ) return 0; bl = balanced(tree->l); br = balanced(tree->r); if (bl < 0 || br < 0) return -1; if (bl == br) return bl + 1; if (bl == br + 1) return bl + 1; if (bl == br - 1) return br + 1; return -1; }