CS 426 Final Project Assignment

Something Wonderful

The project in CS 426 is designed to allow you to explore in a group some aspect of computer graphics that we didn't cover or to delve further into a topic that we did cover.

Various possible projects exist. Among these are:

  1. Go back to one of the assignments and expand your solution. For example, you could write a ray tracer that supports all of the extra credit enhancements and a wider class of objects and more lights and ... Or you could write a program that does clouds, trees and plants in addition to mountains and so build models of natural phenomena. Or, ...
  2. Use the Alias tools to create an animation that makes the Toy Story people at Pixar drool.
  3. Build the ultimate game program.
  4. Design and implement a project of your own.

There are 2 essential constraints on your project.
  1. You must work in a group of size 3 or 4.
  2. Your project must be able to be demo'ed in reasonable fashion to your classmates. This means that it must be completed by the due date and that you must be present to show the class how wonderful your project is. Hint: Many a project has involved less work but demo'ed very well and got high marks

On Monday January 20th, each group will hold a demo session in the ICGL.

Your demo should be about 10-15 minutes long. You should show us what you've done, tell us how you did it and tell us what was easy/what was difficult. Also be prepared to tell us what you would have done with more time, how the group divided the project, etc.

Your web page should be updated to contain information about your project, perhaps some demo things (depending on the project), a link to documentation, a link to source code and a link to an executable that we can download and run.

Grading of the projects will be largely on the demos, but we will also expect to download them and run them on our own. Also, we will read the documentation.

Links to the Project web pages
Our timetable for the projects will be: