Computer Science building

Lab 2: Could You be Replaced by a Machine?

Sat Sep 21 16:44:30 EDT 2024

Due September 22 at 11:59 PM

This lab is new this year, so there are sure to be rough edges. Do not worry about them; the goal is for you to explore a brand new technology.
If you want to see what last year's second lab looked like, it's here. I hope you'll find this one more instructive and more fun.


In Lab 1, you learned the basics of HTML. This time, you're going to use generative AI to create a web page like the one in the first lab, and then to add some bells and whistles. The goal is to give you a sense of what chat programs can do and what they maybe can't do yet.

In the real world, chat programs are increasingly used to generate code in a wide variety of languages, including HTML, Javascript and Python, which are the specific ones that you will explore in this lab. The jury is still out on the degree to which such programs will replace people. My bet is that they will be helpful for routine or mundane tasks, but won't replace creative aspects. Your mileage may vary, of course; in part this lab is meant to start you thinking about such matters.

If you want to do serious web page design, you'll need to know a lot more than what's covered in these labs, primarily HTML and CSS for layout, and Javascript for dynamic behavior. But this is a decent start, and chat programs can be helpful assistants.

You will need to create a (free) account with some chat provider. I have had good luck with Claude from Anthropic and ChaptGPT from OpenAI. You can use any combination of these and other similar systems.

Note that although these accounts are free, you don't get unlimited use. If you reach a limit, you will have to wait for some period of time for your quota to reset. Among other things, this suggests that you should start the lab early so you don't run out at the last minute.

Once you have an account, do some experiments. Basically, you type as if you were chatting with an intelligent, knowledgeable but occasionally flaky assistant. What you type is called a prompt, and effective prompting is an art. Anthropic has a very good web page on prompt engineering.

Part 1: Create a Web Page
Part 2: Generate Text
Part 3: Generate a Table
Part 4: Generate Javascript
Part 5: Do a Pset
Part 6: Reflection
Part 7: Submission

In this lab, we will highlight instructions for what you have to submit in a yellow box like this one.

As in Lab 1, you have to ensure that the HTML file that you are creating is a proper text file, and you have to upload it to your cPanel account as lab2.html, along with any supporing files.

Part 1: Create a Web Page

Write a prompt to create an HTML page lab2.html that contains

  • A header with title
  • A heading that will eventually be followed by a few paragraphs of text
  • A heading that will eventually be followed by a table
  • A heading that will eventually be followed by a binary-decimal converter written in Javascript
  • A heading that will eventually be followed by a problem set solution
  • My initial version looks like this:

    It's quite ugly. Try some prompts to see if you can get something that looks more polished. You don't have to do this right at the beginning; you can come back and fix it up later, or you can refine is manually using what you learned in Lab 1.

    Take a look at the generated HTML; don't just accept it blindly. Chat programs are getting better all the time, but they do make mistakes, so you want to take a look for obvious glitches. You might also learn something by seeing how they write their code -- how does it compare to your style and what you learned in the first lab?

    You will notice that the generated HTML includes CSS, a language for applying uniform style rules to HTML tags. For example, I use CSS to create blue headings in these labs, and for the yellow and green boxes. CSS has its own arcane syntax, and you certainly don't have to learn anything about it, but you should at least recognize it when you see it.

    Part 2: Generate Text

    You have surely seen endless examples of AI-generated text. It's usually good, clear, though mundane English, completely free of grammar and spelling errors. (That sometimes distinguishes it from student work.)

    Get your chatbot to write a short essay (a few paragraphs at most) on some topic that intrigues you or that you think it will do well or badly on. You could take inspiration from what you did in the first lab.
    Here's my example, from Claude:


    In my experience, as basically monolingual, though with a thin veneer of residual high school French, these programs cope very well in many languages.
    Get your chatbot to translate the essay into another language, perhaps one that you speak natively or used / are using for your language requirement. Save that output, since you will have to include it.

    Part 3: Generate a Table

    Tables are rectangular arrays of cells that organize and display content on a web page.

    Here's a table with two rows and three columns
    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
    Here's the HTML code that created it:
    <table border=1>
    <td colspan=3>Here's a table with two rows and three columns</td>
    <td>Column 1</td>
    <td>Column 2</td>
    <td>Column 3</td>

    Each table value is surrounded by <TD></TD> ("table data"). This creates a cell. Every row of cells is surrounded by <TR></TR> ("table row"). The whole thing is surrounded by <TABLE></TABLE>. The browser will count the number of rows and the number of columns in the longest row and make a table of the appropriate size. In the final table, every row will have as many columns as the longest row regardless of how many you typed in. Unspecified cells will be blank.

    Generating Tables by Chat

    As you can see, there's a great deal of finicky boilerplate to create even a simple table. That's exactly the kind of thing that a well-trained program should be able to do. Here's an example table, a hypothetical class schedule where I prompted Claude with the class numbers and meeting times free-form and nothing else:

    This was my first attempt, and although plain, it's quite acceptable. What can you do to make yours look more polished? Tables have a lot of attributes that you could explore, by prompting your chat program to make use of them. As another example that shows more capabilities, I asked Claude to generate a list of the three major characters and their roles in each of Jane Austen's novels, along with the publication date. Here's the result:
    I did not name the novels, so Claude "chose" to omit early and/or unpublished works like Lady Susan and Sanditon.

    Generate a table of your own

    What can you do that combines knowledge with formatting?
    Ask your chat program to create an HTML display of your weekly schedule of classes, analogous to the one above, or if you prefer, something else of more complexity, like a sports or concert or assignment schedule, or exercise data, or anything that might go into a spreadsheet.
    Alternatively, create a table where the chatbot provides the data as well as the formatting.
    Use your imagination, but try to see what a chat program can do for you and where it goes awry.

    Part 4: Generate Javascript

    Most web pages have more interesting and sophisticated behaviors than what you've seen so far in this lab. Some pages won't let you submit a form until you've filled in required fields; some do actual computation, like the toy-machine simulator. Some cause new windows to appear on top of the original, or behind it, or off to the side (though sadly most such windows only display irritating advertisements).

    Many of these effects are achieved by programs written in a programming language called Javascript and included in the HTML text of a web page. In this section, we'll explore a small amount of Javascript so you can add some of these effects (preferably only desirable ones) to your web page. Learning this much Javascript will also be helpful in later labs and problem sets.

    Javascript is part of the browser, so you don't need to download any software or run any particular operating system to use it. There are many books and tutorials about Javascript if you want to pursue it further, or seek clarification of the sketchy descriptions here; Google for "javascript tutorial". As usual, W3Schools is a good place start; you might also try and Codecademy.

    Programming languages are picky about precise syntax, and if you make a mistake, your program may not do anything at all. Chatbots are pretty good at generating syntactically correct Javascript, and with luck it will be semantically correct as well. This section lets you experiment with a simple but useful example. As before, you should check the generated code, both for apparent errors, and for learning more about how Javascript works and how it interacts with the rest of a web page. For example, you can see what happens when you push a button -- not magic, just some function calls.

    Ask your chatbot to write Javascript code that will let users convert binary integers into decimal and vice versa. There should be an entry box for the input number, a label area for the output, a button that causes the Javascript code to do the conversion when pressed, and a reset button to clear the entry boxes.

    My version is minimal but works well:

    I was somewhat surprised to see two input boxes, two buttons, and two output boxes, since I was sort of expecting to use the same input and output, with a button for each conversion direction. Can you convince your chat program to create that version? Or something else that you think would be nicer to use?

    Part 5: Do a Pset

    You are not allowed to use chatbots for problem sets, but you might wonder how well they would do.

    From time to time, a pset or exam asks students to estimate how many of some object would fit in a room of some size. For example, very roughly how many typical laptops could you fit in your dorm room if you ignored furniture, power cables, etc.?

          Do this estimate yourself first !!!

    Pose the same question to your chatbot, and see how well it does.

    Part 6: Reflection

    What have you seen and learned?

    Write a paragraph for each of sections 2 through 5 that discusses what you saw, learned, were surprised by, etc., in that section. We would also be grateful for any specific comments on how to improve this lab for next year's victims, so do say more if you like.

    You can think of this as how you describe the experience to an interested friend or family member.

    In case it wasn't obvious, write this yourself, not with a chatbot!

    Part 7: Submission

    Submit a single web page called lab2.html that contains suitable headings for parts 1 through 6. Each section should have either a link to a generated image file (which is what I have done here) or actual inline HTML with generated contents. Do whatever is easiest for each section.

    You can put your reflections all in one section at the end, or you can distribute them in the appropriate sections as you prefer.

    The file containing the required work of the lab should be named lab2.html and should be saved in your cPanel public_html directory and thus accessible at

    Check your page to make sure that everything displays properly and that the page is fully accessible -- ask a friend to go through the whole page.

    When you are sure that your page is displaying correctly, upload your lab2.html and any other files to Gradescope. That will tell us that you have finished the lab.

    16:45 9/21: Uploading labs to Gradescope seems to be a nuisance, if it works at all. For now, save a copy of your lab2.html as a pdf, like lab2.html.pdf, and upload that. The main thing is to make sure your web page looks right on cPanel; the Gradescope upload is just to tell us that you think you're done.