Programming Assignment 2: Deques and Randomized Queues /* ***************************************************************************** * Explain briefly how you implemented the randomized queue and deque. * Which data structure did you choose (array, linked list, etc.) * and why? **************************************************************************** */ /* ***************************************************************************** * How much memory (in bytes) do your data types use to store n items * in the worst case? Use the 64-bit memory cost model from Section * 1.4 of the textbook and use tilde notation to simplify your answer. * Briefly justify your answers and show your work. * * Do not include the memory for the items themselves (as this * memory is allocated by the client and depends on the item type) * or for any iterators, but do include the memory for the references * to the items (in the underlying array or linked list). **************************************************************************** */ Randomized Queue: ~ _____ bytes Deque: ~ _____ bytes /* ***************************************************************************** * Known bugs / limitations. **************************************************************************** */ /* ***************************************************************************** * Describe whatever help (if any) that you received. * Don't include readings, lectures, and precepts, but do * include any help from people (including course staff, lab TAs, * classmates, and friends) and attribute them by name. **************************************************************************** */ /* ***************************************************************************** * Describe any serious problems you encountered. **************************************************************************** */ /* ***************************************************************************** * List any other comments here. Feel free to provide any feedback * on how much you learned from doing the assignment, and whether * you enjoyed doing it. **************************************************************************** */