Problem Set 6: Lazy Programming
You may do this assignment in pairs. Each member of the pair is responsible for participating in all elements of the assignment.
Quick Links:
Getting Started
Download the theoretical questions and code here. Unzip and untar it:
$ tar xfz a6.tgz
Part 1: Modular Reasoning (queue.txt)
In this problem, we will investigate proof techniques that
allowing us to reason about several
different implementations of the same abstract type. Specifically, we want to know:
When can you replace one implementation of a signature with another without
breaking any client code?
Informally, the answer is that you can swap implementations when they behave the same. There is a theorem about pure, polymorphic functional programming languages called relational parametricity, which justifies the following formalization of this intuition: One implementation of a signature can be replaced by another without breaking any client code if and only if there exists a mathematical relation R between the two implementations of the abstract type that is preserved by all the operations in the signature.
We already saw this idea in play in class. In this assignment, we will explore the idea of defining the relation R between the two implementations using an abstraction function.
Proving Modules Equivalent
When given a signature like this:
module type SIG = sig type abs val v1 : T1 val v2 : T2 val v3 : T3 endand two modules like this:
module M1 : SIG = struct type abs = m1_type let v1 = ... let v2 = ... let v3 = ... end module M2 : SIG = struct type abs = m2_type let v1 = ... let v2 = ... let v3 = ... end
We would like to be able to prove that M1 and M2 are indistiguishable to clients. If M2 is very simple and easy to understand (but perhaps inefficient) one might call M2 a "specification." If M1 is more complex, but perhaps more efficient, then one might call M1 a module that "implements the specification efficiently". One might also say that M2 is "more abstract" than M1.
One the way a programmer proves that two modules are equivalent is to proceed as follows.
- Define a basic relationship between values of the abstract type
. If one module is strictly "more abstract" than the other, a good way to define the relation is to use an abstraction function. Note that the programmer doing the proof of equivalence gets to pick any abstraction function that they want to use. An abstraction function converts a value from one module in to the equivalent value in the other module. Let's call our abstraction functionabstract
. With an abstraction function in hand, we say two components named v from modules M1 and M2 are related at type abs iff:abstract (M1.v) == M2.v
- Extend that relationship so that it covers other types like pair types,
option types and function types -- this extension is mechanical and works
the same way no matter what two modules you are trying to compare.
Given a basic relation over the type abs defined using an abstraction
function as above, we define the following additional relations:
- Two components named v from modules M1 and M2 are related
at type
iff:M1.v == M2.v
- Two components named v from modules M1 and M2 are related
at type
iff:M1.v == M2.v
- Two components named v from modules M1 and M2 are related
at type
iff:M1.v == M2.v
(and so on, for other basic types ..) - Two components named v from modules M1 and M2 are related
at type
t1 * t2
iff their components are related. In other words, ifM1.v == (v1a, v1b)
andM2.v == (v2a, v2b)
must be related tov2a
at type t1, andv1b
must be related tov2b
at type t2
- Two components named v from modules M1 and M2 are related
at type
t option
M1.v == None
andM2.v == None
, or -
M1.v == Some v1
andM2.v == Some v2
, andv1
is related tov2
at type t
- Two components named v from modules M1 and M2 are related
at the function
t1 -> t2
iff given related arguments, the application of functions M1.v and M2.v to those arguments produces related results. In other words, for arbitrary inputs v1, v2 that are related at typet1
, it must be the case that the outputs(M1.v v1)
and(M2.v v2)
are related at typet2
- Two components named v from modules M1 and M2 are related
at type
Equivalent BOOL Modules
Here is how to go about that process when proving the equivalence of two modules that both implement a very simple boolean signature:
module type BOOL = sig type b val tru : b val fal : b val not : b -> b val and : b * b -> b endAnd here are two modules that implement that signature:
module M1 : BOOL = struct type b = int let tru = 1 let fal = 0 let not b = match b with 1 -> 0 | 0 -> 1 let and bs = match bs with 1,1 -> 1 | _,_ -> 0 end module M2 : BOOL = struct type b = bool let tru = true let fal = false let not b = if b then false else true let and bs = match bs with true,true -> true | _,_ -> false endNow, first we need to define what it means for the two modules to be related at the abstract type b. In other words, we must define the abstraction function that relates values of the abstract type. Here is the most natural abstraction function to choose:
let abstract b = match b with 0 -> false | 1 -> trueYou can see that that abstraction function converts values with type b from module M1 in to values with type b from module M2. Hence to compare a basic value named v with type b from modules M1 and M2, we would compare as follows:
abstract (M1.v) == M2.vBecause of how we chose to define the basic relation on type b, to show the two boolean modules M1 and M2 are equivalent, we have to prove:
abstract (M1.tru) == M2.tru
abstract (M1.fal) == M2.fal
- Consider any arguments v1:int, v2:bool such that
abstract (v1) == v2
, we must prove thatabstract(M1.not v1) == M2.not v2
. - Consider any arguments (v1,v2):int*int and (v3,v4):bool*bool such that:
abstract v1 == v3
abstract v2 == v4
abstract(M1.and (v1,v2)) == M2.and (v3,v4)
Each of those 4 proof requirements above involves some equational reasoning exactly like the equational reasoning that you have done previously in this class. Consequently, you should not have much trouble proving the 4 facts above.
Equivalent QUEUE Modules
Now, your job will be to carry out some similar proofs in a more complicated setting: Proofs about equivalent Queue modules. Below we list a signature for queues.
module type QUEUE = sig type q val emp : q val ins : int * q -> q val rem : q -> (int * q) option endand here are two implementations:
module M1 : QUEUE = struct type q = int list * int list let emp = ([], []) let ins (i,q) = let (front, back) = q in (front, i::back) let rem q = match q with ([],[]) -> None | (hd::front, back) -> Some (hd, (front,back)) | ([], back) -> (match List.rev back with hd::tail -> Some (hd, (tail, [])) | _ -> failwith "impossible") end module M2 : QUEUE = struct type q = int list let emp = [] let ins (i,q) = q @ [i] let rem q = match q with [] -> None | hd::tail -> Some (hd, tail) endSee the file
for questions on proving things
about these implementations. The file theory.ml
contains the
code listed above.
Note: We removed the QUEUE signature ascription from the modules M1 and M2 defined
in theory.ml
. Why did we do that? We did it because we want you to write
a relation that relates the internal representations of the two modules. The
signature ascription prevents us from doing that. (Though another choice would have been
to write a function "rep" that exposes the representation to the outside world.)
Part 2: Lazy Streams (streams.ml)
In class, we looked at a couple of ways to implement infinite
streams, which you can check out in the lecture notes. In the
referenced code, we repeatedly used functions with type
unit ->'a * 'a stream
. Such functions
are sometimes called "suspended computations." They are very much like
plain expressions with type 'a * 'a stream
except that
plain expressions are evaluated right away whereas
functions are not evaluated until they called. In other words,
evaluation is delayed. That delay was critical in our
implementation of the stream infinite data structure. Without the delay,
we would have written code containing infinite loops.
In general, we can implement suspended or delayed computations that return
a value with type 'a
with just a function with
type unit -> 'a
. Let's try it:
type 'a delay = unit -> 'a (* create a delayed computation *) let create_delay (d:unit -> 'a) = d (* execute a delayed computation *) let force_delay (d:'a delay) : 'a = d ()You'll notice, however, that this implementation (like our original stream implementation) can incur extra, unnecessary work when we force the same delay more than once. For instance:
let adder () = let l = [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0] in List.fold_left (+) 0 l let x = force_delay adder let y = force_delay adderAbove, we run over the list l once to compute x and then we do exactly the same thing again to compute y. A smarter implementation would use a technique called memoization, which saves away the result of forcing a delay the first time so that any subsequent time the computation is forced, it can simply look up the already-computed result. A delayed computation coupled with memoization is called a lazy computation. Here is how we might implement a general-purpose library for lazy computations, as seen in lecture, but with some added error-handling:
type 'a thunk = Unevaluated of (unit -> 'a) | Evaluated of 'a | Error of exn type 'a lazy_t = ('a thunk) ref let create_lazy (f : unit -> 'a) : 'a lazy_t = ref ( Unevaluated f ) let force_lazy (l:'a lazy_t) : 'a = match !l with | Error exn -> raise exn | Evaluated a -> a | Unevaluated f -> try let result = f () in l := Evaluated result; result with | exn -> l := Error exn; raise exnNote that if the underlying function f that you use to create a lazy computation has no effects other than raising an exception — does not print, does not mutate external data structures, does not read from standard input, etc. — then an outside observer cannot tell the difference between a lazy computation and an ordinary function with type unit -> 'a (except that the lazy computation is faster if you force it a 2nd, 3rd or 4th time). If, on the other hand, your function f does have some effects (like printing) then you will see a difference between using a lazy computation and using a function with type unit -> 'a. For instance, this code:
let a = create_lazy (fun () -> (1 + (print_string "hello\n"; 1))) let _ = force_lazy a let _ = force_lazy aonly prints "hello\n" once, not twice.
You'll notice that it is a little bit verbose to have to write things like:
let a = create_lazy (fun () -> ...)Consequently, OCaml provides convenient built-in support for creating and using lazy computations via the Lazy module, which is documented here. This module is not just an ordinary module — it is really a language extension as it changes the way OCaml code is evaluated. In particular, any code that appears inside the lazy constructor
lazy (...)is suspended and is not executed until the lazy computation is forced. It is just like you wrote
create_lazy (fun () -> ...)
See the file streams.ml
for a series of questions
concerning implementing streams using OCaml's Lazy module. You will
also need to read the OCaml documentation on Lazy data
Part 3
This section of the assignment (4.1 - 4.5) is OPTIONAL. Many students find this problem mind-blowing and fun, but it is OPTIONAL. You don't need to do it if you don't want to.
A lazy computation uses memoization to avoid recomputing the result of executing a single expression. A more general kind of memoization avoids recomputing the results of a whole class or set of expressions. In this part of the assignment, we will explore using memoization for functions instead of simple expressions. A memoized function f never recomputes f x for the same argument x twice.
To build generic support for function memoization, we will use a dictionary to store a mapping from function inputs to outputs already computed. You can think of this dictionary like a cache if you want: The cache saves away function results for later reuse.
To begin, look at the naive implementation of the Fibonacci sequence
defined in the module Fib provided in fib.ml
(* slow fib! *) module Fib : FIB = struct let rec fib (n : int) : int = if n > 1 then fib (n-1) + fib (n-2) else n end
Anyone who has taken COS 226 will recognize this as a horrendously inefficient version of the Fibonacci sequence that takes exponential time because we recompute fib n for small values of n over and over and over again instead of reusing computation. The most efficient way to compute the Fibonacci numbers in OCaml is something like this:
(* fast fib! *) module FastFib : FIB = struct let fib (n : int) : int = (* f1 is fib(i-1) and f2 is fib (i-2) *) let rec aux i f1 f2 = if i = n then f1 + f2 else aux (i+1) (f1+f2) f1 in if n > 1 then aux 2 1 0 else n end
Intuitively, what is happening here is that instead of recomputing fib(n-1) and fib(n-2) over and over again, we are saving those results and then reusing them. When computing the fibnacci sequence, one only has to save away the last two results to compute the next one. In other computations, we must save away a lot of data, not just two elements. Sometimes we don't know exactly what we need to save so we might want to save all the data we have space for. There are entire businesses built around memoization and caching like this. Akamai is one that comes to mind -- they cache web page requests on servers close to customers who make requests in order to make web response times faster. In any event, the idea of caching is clearly a fundamental concept in computer science. Hence, we are going to build generic caching infrastructure for OCaml computations. This generic caching infrastructure is going to save away all results computed by a function. This is more than we need to save away to compute Fibonnacci once (and it is a big waste of space in this case), but if we wanted to call Fibonacci many times, there would be savings across the many calls. (True, there aren't many critical applications that I can think of that make 1,000,000 calls to the Fibonacci function but it does make a good, simple test case!)
Question 4.1
Finish the MemoFib functor in fib.ml
by writing a memoized
version of Fibonacci. In this implementation, you will save away all
results from ever calling the function fib, including all recursive calls
that fib might make to itself. You will do this by
representing the (input,output) mapping using a reference containing a
persistent dictionary.
It is important that the dictionary be shared between all calls to MemoFibo,
so that results are reused between multiple top-level calls (ie:
if you call fib 10000 first and then some time later in your application
call fib 10001, the second call should be instantaneous since you'll reuse
all the work you did on the first call).
In this assignment, we will use OCaml's Map library to implement dictionaries. To investigate OCaml's Map library, start by looking here. You'll note that from that web page, you can click on links to find definitions of OrderedType signature and the Map.S, which is the signature of a module implementing a Map. The functor Map.Make takes a module with a Map.OrderedType as an argument and produces module with type Map.S as a result.
If you don’t know where to start implementing MemoFib, one good strategy is to use a pair of mutually recursive functions: make one function in the pair the fib function required by the signature; make the other function responsible for checking and updating the mapping. The benefit to this strategy is that it lets you separate memoizing from the function being memoized.
Question 4.2
Instead of hand-rolling a new version of every function that we’d like
to memoize, it would be nice to have a higher-order function that
produces a memoized version of any function. A totally reasonable—but
wrong—first attempt at writing such an automatic memoizer is shown
below (and also may be found in memoizer.ml
module PoorMemoizer (D : DICT) : (POORMEMOIZER with type key = D.key) = struct type key = D.key let memo (f : key -> 'a) : key -> 'a = let f_memoed x = let history = ref (D.empty) in try D.find x (!history) with Not_found -> let result = f x in history := D.add x result (!history); result in f_memoed end
What is wrong with this code? For example, apply the functor and use it to memoize an implementation of Fibonacci. You should observe that Fibonacci is much slower than the hand-rolled version you wrote. (If not, your hand-rolled version is wrong!) Why?
The goal of this part is to finish off the
Memoizer functor in memoizer.ml by writing an automatic memoizer that doesn’t
have the problems of the PoorMemoizer.
Notice that Memoizer has a different signature than PoorMemoizer.
Functions that can be memoized by Memoizer take a new argument:
rather than having
type key -> ’a
, they have type
(key -> ’a) -> (key -> ’a)
When implementing Memoizer, assume that any function you memoize uses
this new first
argument instead of directly calling itself recursively. As an example,
Here is the factorial function crafted in this style:
let fact_body (recurse:int->int) (n:int) : int = if n <= 0 then 1 else n * (recurse (n-1)) let rec fact (n:int) : int = fact_body fact n
Notice how easy it is now to reuse the body of fact but print out intermediate results after every intermediate call to fact.
let rec printing_fact (n:int) : int = let result = fact_body printing_fact n in print_int result; print_newline(); result
Try out that code to make sure you understand it. Recall also
that this is a very similar technique to what we used in the evaluator
code in earlier lectures and in Assignment 4. Search through that code
and near the bottom you will see the function eval_body
and eval
and debug_eval
. All three are
closely related to our variants of factorial.
Question 4.3
In fib.ml
, finish the structure AutoMemoedFib
using your Memoizer functor.
This will let you test your Memoizer
structure to make
sure that you solved the problem.
The Fibonacci implementation produced by your Memoizer
function should be very nearly
as fast as the hand-rolled version in MemoedFibo
Rhetorical question: (Don't hand in an answer but discuss
with your classmates, prof or TA)
What happens if you use Memoizer
to memoize a function
that has effects?
In particular, what happens if you memoize a function that prints things?
Application: Genome Sequencing
The speed up from memoization can be huge. A good practical example can be found in genetics: in sequencing a genome, one needs to find the longest common subsequence between two sequences to get a rough idea of the amount of shared information between them. For example, a longest common subsequence of AGATT and AGTCCAGT is AGTT; AGAT is another.
More precisely, a list l
is a subsequence of
iff l
can be obtained by deleting
some of the elements of l′
is a subsequence ofl
for anyl
. -
is a subsequence ofy::ys
iff eitherx::xs
is a subsequence ofys
) orx = y
is a subsequence ofys
(use y to match x).
type base = Base.base type dna = Base.dna let rec slow_lcs ((s1,s2) : dna * dna) : dna = match (s1,s2) with ([], _) -> [] | (_, []) -> [] | (x :: xs, y :: ys) -> if Base.eq x y then x :: slow_lcs (xs, ys) else Base.longer_dna_of (slow_lcs (s1, ys)) (slow_lcs (xs, s2))It’s pretty clear that this program takes exponential time to run. It’s somewhat less clear, though, that it’s also duplicating a good deal of work. For example, to find the longest subsequence of
, we might have to look at both
(x1::xs, ys)
and (xs, y1::ys)
Both of these likely contain (xs, ys)
as a subproblem.
Question 4.4
Use the Memoizer
functor you’ve defined above to
build a version of lcs called fast_lcs that
avoids computing subproblems more than once.
Question 4.5
Create a very simple experiment that demonstrates the speed up gained from memoizing lcs. Run that experiment in main and have main print out something informative that demonstrates the speedup. Explain what you have done in a brief comment in the code.
Handin Instructions
You may do this problem set in pairs. If you do so, both students are responsible for all components of the assignment, both students will earn the same grade and accrue the same number of late days. Please write both names at the top of all files if you do it in pairs.
You must hand in these files to TigerFile (see link on assignment page):
Assignment components drawn from work by Bob Harper and Dan Licata (then-CMU, now Wesleyan) and Greg Morrisett (then-Harvard, now Cornell).