/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* dynarray.h */ /* Author: Bob Dondero */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef DYNARRAY_INCLUDED #define DYNARRAY_INCLUDED #include /* A DynArray_T object is an array whose length can expand dynamically. */ typedef struct DynArray *DynArray_T; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return a new DynArray_T object whose length is uLength, or NULL if insufficient memory is available. */ DynArray_T DynArray_new(size_t uLength); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Free oDynArray. */ void DynArray_free(DynArray_T oDynArray); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the length of oDynArray. */ size_t DynArray_getLength(DynArray_T oDynArray); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the uIndex'th element of oDynArray. */ void *DynArray_get(DynArray_T oDynArray, size_t uIndex); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Assign pvElement to the uIndex'th element of oDynArray. Return the old element. */ void *DynArray_set(DynArray_T oDynArray, size_t uIndex, const void *pvElement); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Add pvElement to the end of oDynArray, thus incrementing its length. Return 1 (TRUE) if successful, or 0 (FALSE) if insufficient memory is available. */ int DynArray_add(DynArray_T oDynArray, const void *pvElement); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Add pvElement to oDynArray such that it is the uIndex'th element. Return 1 (TRUE) if successful, or 0 (FALSE) if insufficient memory is available. */ int DynArray_addAt(DynArray_T oDynArray, size_t uIndex, const void *pvElement); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Remove and return the uIndex'th element of oDynArray. */ void *DynArray_removeAt(DynArray_T oDynArray, size_t uIndex); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Fill ppvArray with the elements of oDynArray. ppvArray must point to an area of memory that is large enough to hold all elements of oDynArray. */ void DynArray_toArray(DynArray_T oDynArray, void **ppvArray); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Apply function *pfApply to each element of oDynArray, passing pvExtra as an extra argument. That is, for each element pvElement of oDynArray, call (*pfApply)(pvElement, pvExtra). */ void DynArray_map(DynArray_T oDynArray, void (*pfApply)(void *pvElement, void *pvExtra), const void *pvExtra); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Sort oDynArray in the order determined by *pfCompare. *pfCompare must return <0, 0, or >0 depending upon whether *pvElement1 is less than, equal to, or greater than *pvElement2, respectively. */ void DynArray_sort(DynArray_T oDynArray, int (*pfCompare)(const void *pvElement1, const void *pvElement2)); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Linear search oDynArray for *pvSoughtElement using *pfCompare to determine equality. If the element is found, then assign its index to *puIndex and return 1. If the element is not found, then assign nothing to *puIndex and return 0. *pfCompare must return 0 if *pvElement1 is equal to pvElement2, and non-0 otherwise. */ int DynArray_search(DynArray_T oDynArray, void *pvSoughtElement, size_t *puIndex, int (*pfCompare)(const void *pvElement1, const void *pvElement2)); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Binary search oDynArray for *pvSoughtElement using *pfCompare to determine equality. If the element is found, then assign its index to *puIndex and return 1. If the element is not found, then assign the index where it would belong to *puIndex and return 0. *pfCompare must return <0, 0, or >0 if *pvElement1 is less than, equal to, or greater than *pvElement2. oDynArray must be sorted as determined by *pfCompare. */ int DynArray_bsearch(DynArray_T oDynArray, void *pvSoughtElement, size_t *puIndex, int (*pfCompare)(const void *pvElement1, const void *pvElement2)); #endif