COS 429 - Computer Vision

Fall 2019

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Assignment 2: Face Detection and Model Fitting

Due Thursday, Oct. 17

Part III. Single-Scale Face Detection

Sliding-window: Now that you have a face classifier trained, the next step is to run the classifier on a bunch of locations within an image. A "sliding window" detector does this by brute force: it considers every (36x36, in our case) window of pixels, computes the HoG descriptor on it, and runs it through the classifier. In practice, advancing the detection window by one pixel at a time is very slow and probably unnecessary. So, you can have a "stride" parameter, which is how much the window should be advanced each time. For example, for a stride of 3, you would consider windows starting at (1,1), (4,1), (7,1), ..., (1,4), (4,4), (7,4), etc.

The output of this detector is a probability map similar to the one shown below.

Input image Face probability map

You can now do the usual sorts of postprocessing: simple thresholding, nonmaximum suppression, etc. Here are the faces detected by thresholding at a probability of 0.95 (with stride = 3):

Notice the multiple overlapping detections: nonmaximum suppression would be necessary to get rid of them. Also notice the false-positive detections on Lurch's shirt. The shirt shows up quite strongly in the probability map, and the training data contains a number of low-contrast faces, so it might be difficult to eliminate this false positive.

Do this:

Do this and turn in:

  1. Implement, and test it on an image, like so:
    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from find_faces_single_scale import find_faces_single_scale
    img = cv2.imread('face_data/single_scale_scenes/addams-family.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
    saved = np.load('face_classifier.npz')
    params, orientations, wrap180 = saved['params'], saved['orientations'], saved['wrap180']
    outimg, probmap = find_faces_single_scale(img, 3, 0.95, params, orientations, wrap180)
    plt.imshow(outimg, cmap='gray')
    plt.imshow(probmap, cmap='gray')
    Submit your file
  2. Once you have a working detector, run to get outputs on all test images. Save and submit your face detection results for 2 images showing particularly good and 2 images showing particularly bad performance.

Optional extra credit (up to 2 points each):
In your writeup, clearly specify which extra credit items you attempted. Be sure to submit all code, along with a description of your method and an analysis of the results. The amount of credit will depend on the sophistication and thoroughness of your implementation and analysis.

  1. Implement nonmaximum suppression to eliminate overlapping detections.
  2. Run the detector with a stride of 1 just in the vicinity of detected faces, in order to localize the maximum more precisely.
  3. Go back and improve your scheme for selecting negative examples for your face classifier. Perhaps use more negative examples? Perhaps deliberately select negative examples that are close to the decision boundary?

Last update 3-Oct-2019 17:06:43