Design Review Signup

Choose a time slot, enter the team members' names in <last name>-<last name> format, and press submit. Use the same format and order every time your team signs up.

If the chosen slot is already taken, the request is ignored.

If you want to change the time you signed up for, choose a new time and resubmit with the same name.

Time: Team members:


Day & Time Team Members
Monday, 11/26 15:00
Monday, 11/26 15:10
Monday, 11/26 15:20
Monday, 11/26 15:30 Yu Zeng
Monday, 11/26 15:40
Monday, 11/26 15:50 Haochen - Sherry
Monday, 11/26 16:00 Gao-Lu
Monday, 11/26 16:10
Monday, 11/26 16:20 Leung-Penmatcha
Monday, 11/26 16:30 Zheng-Fong
Monday, 11/26 16:40 Li-Salvador
Monday, 11/26 16:50 Wang-Chen
Monday, 11/26 17:00 Gwozdz-Finch
Monday, 11/26 17:10 [Changxiao; Andrew]
Monday, 11/26 17:20 Richins-Colen
Monday, 11/26 17:30 Li-Zhou
Monday, 11/26 17:40 Chu - Karakozis
Monday, 11/26 17:50 Sicim-Vassilev
Monday, 11/26 18:00 Joshi Sawicki
Monday, 11/26 18:10 Shi-Zhang
Monday, 11/26 18:20 Bechara-Galstyan
Monday, 11/26 18:30 Ughetta-Liu
Monday, 11/26 18:40 Park-Hazelton
Monday, 11/26 18:50 Kim-Moss
Monday, 11/26 19:00 Bova-Neus