rank | nickname | puzzles solved | last puzzle solved (seconds) |
1 | team computer science | 31/31 | 1.18 |
2 | preceptor's (w/ linear conflict) | 31/31 | 1.76 |
3 | K3vin W@yne | 31/31 | 3.55 |
4 | K3vin W@yne | 31/31 | 8.77 |
5 | a jaded 1915 frosh | 29/31 | 5.82 |
6 | buff man | 29/31 | 5.97 |
7 | lateNiteBoi | 29/31 | 6.71 |
8 | Hello from the other side | 29/31 | 7.22 |
9 | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1344\cocoasubrtf72 | 29/31 | 7.31 |
10 | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1561\cocoasubrtf20 | 29/31 | 7.37 |
11 | jeremax | 29/31 | 7.55 |
12 | j and k | 29/31 | 7.67 |
13 | yzzid | 29/31 | 7.74 |
14 | doorhandle | 29/31 | 7.86 |
15 | Manhattan > Hamming | 29/31 | 7.92 |
16 | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1561\cocoasubrtf400 {\f | 29/31 | 7.93 |
17 | fianchetto | 29/31 | 8.19 |
18 | Im better than u lol | 29/31 | 8.25 |
19 | deeeez | 29/31 | 8.29 |
20 | please work more | 29/31 | 8.30 |
21 | ayyyy | 29/31 | 8.57 |
22 | rekt | 29/31 | 8.98 |
23 | rubberBand | 29/31 | 9.14 |
24 | Yebraham Lincoln | 29/31 | 9.25 |
25 | ^.^ | 29/31 | 9.31 |
26 | Coding is fun | 29/31 | 10.25 |
27 | galileo | 29/31 | 10.40 |
28 | prc | 29/31 | 13.21 |
29 | noWayneNoGayne | 29/31 | 13.69 |
30 | Mr.Sedgewick | 28/31 | 1.41 |
31 | 5p46h3771 c0d3 | 28/31 | 1.74 |
32 | Vape Naysh | 28/31 | 1.99 |
33 | TickTockClock | 28/31 | 2.63 |
34 | Quesadillas for Christ | 28/31 | 2.72 |
35 | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1561\cocoasubrtf60 | 28/31 | 3.23 |
36 | Minimum Possible Effort | 28/31 | 3.65 |
37 | Team Osaka | 0/31 | 999.99 |
Puzzles are in increasing order of difficulty; puzzle 31 is extremely challenging. The ranking is based on the number of puzzles solved, breaking ties with the amount of time to solve the last puzzle.