 *  Name:    
 *  NetID:   
 *  Precept: 
 *  Partner Name:    
 *  Partner NetID:   
 *  Partner Precept: 
 *  Description:  
 * This is a template file for RingBuffer.java. It lists the constructors and
 * methods you need, along with descriptions of what they're supposed to do.
 * Note: it won't compile until you fill in the constructors and methods
 *       (or at least commment out the ones whose return type is non-void).

public class RingBuffer {

    // creates an empty ring buffer with the specified capacity
    public RingBuffer(int capacity) {
        // YOUR CODE HERE

    // return the capacity of this ring buffer
    public int capacity() {
        // YOUR CODE HERE

    // return number of items currently in this ring buffer
    public int size() {
        // YOUR CODE HERE

    // is this ring buffer empty (size equals zero)?
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        // YOUR CODE HERE

    // is this ring buffer full (size equals capacity)?
    public boolean isFull() {
        // YOUR CODE HERE

    // adds item x to the end of this ring buffer
    public void enqueue(double x) {
        // YOUR CODE HERE

    // deletes and returns the item at the front of this ring buffer
    public double dequeue() {
        // YOUR CODE HERE

    // returns the item at the front of this ring buffer
    public double peek() {
        // YOUR CODE HERE

    // tests and calls every instance method in this class
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // YOUR CODE HERE
