Imagine that your goal is to design a device that an untrained person (e.g., a 14-year-old) can use to scan his/her home interior in less than one hour to acquire a CAD-quality 3D model with photorealistic textures suitable for interactive viewing.
a) How would you design the device hardware? Specifically, what combination of sensors would be included? How would they be configured to augment each other? Please provide reasons for your choices.
b) What computational pipeline would you design to process the raw input data collected from the sensors and produce a CAD-quality 3D model with textures as output? Please list every computational step and provide details for two or three of the most interesting ones.
Please note that there is no "right" answer to this question. It is OK to think way outside the box -- e.g., using hardware we have never discussed in class or commonly available data acquired from other sources. Please be creative.
Your entire answer should fit within one page.
Please save/scan your answers into a pdf file named written_exercise2.pdf
submit it to CS dropbox.