![]() Princeton University
COS 516 / ELE 516
Fall 2016 |
This course provides an introduction to algorithmic techniques for reasoning about software. Students will learn the basics of modern Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) solvers and Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) solvers, and their applications in techniques for verification, analysis, and synthesis of software. The course covers techniques like model checking, invariant generation, symbolic execution, and syntax-guided synthesis.
Lectures: Mon Wed, 1:30 PM -- 2:50 PM, Friend 004
Professor: Aarti Gupta, CS Building 220, 258-8017, aartig@cs.princeton.edu
Office Hours: Wed 11:00 -- 11:50 AM or by appointment, CS Building 220
Assistant Instructor: Yakir Vizel, EQuad C-305, 258-7035, yvizel@princeton.edu
Graduate Coordinator: Nicki Gotsis, CS Building 310, 258-5387, ngotsis@cs.princeton.edu
Prerequisites: COS 226 and COS 326 (or equivalent programming experience)
PapersFor about half of the course:
The Calculus of Computation: Decision Procedures with Applications to Verification
by Aaron R. Bradley and Zohar Manna
Electronic version
Announcements and DiscussionsListed in schedule, related to lectures.
Course announcements, discussions, and questions are available on Piazza.
Please study the course Policies, and check with the Professor if you have any questions.