(* This file extends our simple functional language evaluator with * support for recursive functions. Only the changes are highlighted. *) type variable = string ;; type constant = Int of int | Bool of bool ;; type operator = Plus | Minus | Times | Div | LessThan | LessThanEq ;; (* let-rec for defines recursive function values. *) type exp = | Constant_e of constant | Op_e of exp * operator * exp | Var_e of variable | If_e of exp * exp * exp | Fun_e of variable * exp | FunCall_e of exp * exp | Let_e of variable * exp * exp | Letrec_e of variable * variable * exp ;; let rec is_value (e:exp) : bool = match e with | Constant_e _ -> true | Fun_e (_,_) -> true | Letrec_e (_,_,_) -> true | (Op_e (_,_,_) | Var_e _ | If_e (_,_,_) | FunCall_e (_,_) | Let_e (_,_,_) ) -> false ;; exception UnboundVariable of variable ;; exception BadApplication of exp ;; exception BadIf of exp ;; exception BadOp of exp * operator * exp ;; let apply_op v1 op v2 = match v1, op, v2 with | Constant_e (Int i), Plus, Constant_e (Int j) -> Constant_e (Int (i+j)) | Constant_e (Int i), Minus, Constant_e (Int j) -> Constant_e (Int (i-j)) | Constant_e (Int i), Times, Constant_e (Int j) -> Constant_e (Int (i*j)) | Constant_e (Int i), Div, Constant_e (Int j) -> Constant_e (Int (i/j)) | Constant_e (Int i), LessThan, Constant_e (Int j) -> Constant_e (Bool (i Constant_e (Bool (i<=j)) | _, _, _ -> raise (BadOp (v1,op,v2)) ;; (* Substitution is slightly different for a let-rec: note that * the let-rec-bound variable shadows x for both e1 and e2. This * is because when we have "let rec x = e1 in e2", x is bound in * both e1 and in e2. *) let substitute (v:exp) (x:variable) (e:exp) : exp = let rec subst (e:exp) : exp = match e with | Var_e y -> if x = y then v else e | Constant_e _ -> e | Op_e (e1,op,e2) -> Op_e(subst e1,op,subst e2) | If_e (e1,e2,e3) -> If_e(subst e1,subst e2,subst e3) | FunCall_e (e1,e2) -> FunCall_e(subst e1,subst e2) | Fun_e (y,e1) -> if x = y then e else Fun_e (y, subst e1) | Let_e (y,e1,e2) -> Let_e (y, subst e1, if x = y then e2 else subst e2) | Letrec_e (y,z,e1) -> if x = y || x = z then Letrec_e (y,z,e1) else Letrec_e (y,z,subst e1) in subst e ;; let eval_body (eval_loop:exp->exp) (e:exp) : exp = match e with | Constant_e c -> e | Fun_e (x,body) -> e | Letrec_e (f,x,e1) -> e | Op_e (e1,op,e2) -> let v1 = eval_loop e1 in let v2 = eval_loop e2 in apply_op v1 op v2 | If_e (e1,e2,e3) -> (match eval_loop e1 with | Constant_e (Bool true) -> eval_loop e2 | Constant_e (Bool false) -> eval_loop e3 | v1 -> raise (BadIf v1)) | Let_e (x,e1,e2) -> eval_loop (substitute (eval_loop e1) x e2) | FunCall_e (e1,e2) -> (match eval_loop e1 with | Fun_e (x,e) -> eval_loop (substitute (eval_loop e2) x e) | Letrec_e (f,x,body) -> eval_loop (substitute (Letrec_e (f,x,body)) f (substitute (eval_loop e2) x body)) | v1 -> raise (BadApplication v1)) | Var_e x -> raise (UnboundVariable x) ;; let rec eval e = eval_body eval e ;; let string_of_const c = match c with | Int i -> string_of_int i | Bool b -> string_of_bool b ;; let string_of_op op = match op with | Plus -> "+" | Minus -> "-" | Times -> "*" | Div -> "/" | LessThan -> "<" | LessThanEq -> "<=" ;; let precedence e = match e with | Constant_e _ -> 0 | Var_e _ -> 0 | Let_e (_,_,_) -> 10 | Letrec_e (_,_,_) -> 10 | If_e (_,_,_) -> 10 | Fun_e (_,_) -> 10 | FunCall_e (_,_) -> 3 | Op_e (_,Plus,_) -> 5 | Op_e (_,Minus,_) -> 5 | Op_e (_,Times,_) -> 3 | Op_e (_,Div,_) -> 3 | Op_e (_,LessThan,_) -> 7 | Op_e (_,LessThanEq,_) -> 7 ;; let rec exp2string prec e = let p = precedence e in let s = match e with | Constant_e c -> string_of_const c | Op_e (e1,op,e2) -> (exp2string p e1) ^ " "^(string_of_op op)^" "^(exp2string prec e2) | Var_e x -> x | If_e (e1, e2, e3) -> "if "^(exp2string 10 e1)^" then "^(exp2string 10 e2)^" else "^ (exp2string p e3) | Fun_e (x,e) -> "fun "^x^" -> "^(exp2string 10 e) | FunCall_e (e1,e2) -> (exp2string p e1)^" "^(exp2string p e2) | Let_e (x,e1,e2) -> "let "^x^" = "^(exp2string 10 e1)^" in "^ (exp2string prec e2) | Letrec_e (f,x,e2) -> "rec "^f^" "^x^" = "^(exp2string p e2) in if p > prec then "(" ^ s ^ ")" else s ;; let string_of_exp e = exp2string 10 e ;; (* if n < 1 then 1 else n * fact (n - 1) *) let fact_body = If_e (Op_e (Var_e "n", LessThan, Constant_e (Int 1)), Constant_e (Int 1), Op_e (Var_e "n", Times, FunCall_e (Var_e "fact", Op_e (Var_e "n", Minus, Constant_e (Int 1)))));; let fact = Letrec_e("fact", "n", fact_body);; (* fact 4 *) let fact4 = FunCall_e (fact, (Constant_e (Int 4)));; (* In this version of the debug_eval, we don't bother to * print out the values. *) let rec debug_eval e = (if is_value e then () else (Printf.printf "Evaluating %s\n" (string_of_exp e) ; flush_all())); let v = eval_body debug_eval e in (if is_value e then () else Printf.printf "%s evaluated to %s\n" (string_of_exp e) (string_of_exp v); flush_all()); v ;; let show_eval e = Printf.printf "Input:\n %s\n" (string_of_exp e); flush_all(); Printf.printf "Evaluates to:\n %s\n" (string_of_exp (eval e)); flush_all() ;; let main = show_eval fact4 ;;