Princeton University
Computer Science 375
Topics include ISA, Assembly Language, Dependences, Calling Convention, Performance (IPC, Amdahl's Law, Bmarks), Arithmetic (Integer, Floating Point), Datapath, Control, Microprogramming.
Book chapters: Chapters 1-4/B.
September 16: | Introduction | Read Chapter 1 |
September 21: | ISA 1 | Read Chapters 1,2, Appendix B |
September 23: | ISA 2 | |
September 28: | Metrics | |
September 30: | Arithmetic | Read Chapters 1-3/B, Project partner selection after class, |
October 5: | Arithmetic | Read Chapters 1-4/B |
October 7: | Problem Set 1 due at 5PM | |
October 12: | RTL | Read Chapters 1-4/B |
October 14: | ||
October 19: | Datapath | |
October 21: | Control | |
October 26: | Microprogramming | Problem Set 2 Due at 5PM |
October 26: | Q&A, Review | 3PM at COS105, small auditorium |
October 28: | MIDTERM | |
October 31-November 8: | FALL BREAK | |
November 9: | Pipelining | Read Chapters 1-4/B |
November 11: | Pipeline Control | Project #1 Due at 5PM |
November 16: | Branch Prediction | Read Chapters 1-4/B |
November 18: | Branch Prediction | |
November 23: | Memory Hierarchy | Read Chapters 1-5/B |
November 24-29: | THANKSGIVING BREAK | |
November 30: | Memory Hierarchy, Virtual Memory | |
December 2: | Virtual Memory, Memory Technology | Read Chapters 1-5/B |
December 7: | I/O and Disk | |
December 9: | Instruction-Level Parallelism | Read Chapters 1-6/B |
December 14: | Multiprocessor Parallelism | |
December 16: | Multiprocessor Parallelism | |
December 17: | Problem Set 3 Due at 5PM | |
December 18-January 3: | WINTER BREAK | |
January 6: | Problem Set 4 Due at 5PM, late days may be used if really necessary | |
January 12: | Project #2 Due, no late days may be used | |
January 16, 1:30pm: | FINAL Exam | Room: Computer Science Building 104 |
Course | COS306 | COS375 | COS475 |
Form Factor | FPGA | FPGA and Real Peripherals | Software Simulation |
Difference in Learning Processor Design | Simple processor, Datapath and Control Design | Pipelined In-Order Processor, Realistic I/O (Keyboard, Monitor, etc) | Out-of-Order Processor, Superscalar |
Optional | Pipeline | Wide Issue, Speculation, Misspeculation Recovery | |
ISA | LC3 | PAW, subset of ARM ’Thumb’ | PARC, subset of MIPS32 |
Project | 40% |
Midterm | 15% |
Final | 25% |
Quizzes | EXTRA CREDIT |
Participation | 5% |
Homework | 15% (best 3 of 4) |
Assignments should be attempted individually. If you cannot come up with an answer after trying for a while then you may discuss the material or specific issue with a friend/TA/Prof. The answers should be your own. In other words, don't discuss or compare your answers to an assignment with anyone or any source.
Project teams should work independently. Collaboration among team members is unrestricted (obviously).
Professor: David August - 221 CS Building - Office Hours: after class or by appointment.
Undergraduate Coordinator: Colleen Kenny-McGinley - 210 CS Building - 258-1746 ckenny@cs.princeton.edu
Teaching Assistants:
Bochao Wang | E-Quad C-319B | bochaow@princeton.edu | Office Hours: Th/F 10:30-11:30AM |
Debajit Bhattacharya | E-Quad C-319D | dbhattac@princeton.edu | Office Hours: T/Th 3-4PM |
Hansen Zhang | 241 CS Building | hansenz@princeton.edu | Office Hours: M/W 3-4PM |