rank | nickname | distance() + sap() calls per second |
1 | test | 302229 |
2 | ComputaLinguist? | 296220 |
3 | RanOutOfChecks | 160506 |
4 | teenagecoder | 86495 |
5 | lolweSuck | 7816 |
6 | FabulousFab | 3297 |
7 | explorer | 2157 |
8 | grade deflation 2.0 | 2055 |
9 | nick | 1859 |
10 | Here Comes The Sun | 1755 |
11 | ch0d3 | 1741 |
12 | Biggest Loser | 1384 |
13 | joeshmo | 1381 |
14 | betatester | 1379 |
15 | ballroom | 1356 |
16 | Dis Pater | 1327 |
17 | tupac lives | 1302 |
18 | TuringDownForWhat | 1289 |
19 | regex | 1268 |
20 | Chris and Prem | 1260 |
21 | lololol | 1260 |
22 | Tester | 1227 |
23 | Welp | 1196 |
24 | THUGNIFICENT | 1180 |
25 | pton | 1175 |
26 | bla | 1132 |
27 | poop | 925 |
28 | R | 694 |
29 | test file do not submit | 508 |
30 | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1343\cocoasubrtf140 {\f | 369 |
31 | PRINCESS | 58 |