Computer Science 226 |
Midterm exam. Here is some information about the Fall 2014 midterm, including a schedule of office hours, the exam location, and a list of topics.
Final exam. Here is some information about the Fall 2014 final, including a schedule of office hours, the exam location, and a list of topics.
Archive. A good way to prepare for an exam is to solve old exam questions. Here are some old exams.
Fall 2014 | Midterm | Solutions |
Fall 2014 | Final | Solutions |
Spring 2014 | Midterm | Solutions |
Spring 2014 | Final | Solutions |
Fall 2012 | Midterm | Solutions |
Fall 2012 | Final | Solutions |
Spring 2012 | Midterm | Solutions |
Spring 2012 | Final | Solutions |
Fall 2011 | Midterm | Solutions |
Fall 2011 | Final | Solutions |
Fall 2010 | Midterm | Solutions |
Fall 2010 | Final | Solutions |
Fall 2009 | Midterm | Solutions |
Fall 2009 | Final | Solutions |
Be warned that previous courses might have covered
different material or used different exam policies.
Policy. Exams are closed book and closed note, although you are permitted to bring one 8.5-by-11 cheatsheet (one side for the midterm and both sides for the final), written in your own handwriting. No electronic devices (such as calculators, laptops, and cell phones) are permitted.