Computer Science 126 |
All COS126 lectures and precepts are 50 minutes. (ISC precepts are 80 minutes.)
All office hours are in the preceptor's office unless noted otherwise. All office hours are for 1 hour, beginning at the given time, unless noted otherwise.
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For office hours during reading period, please see this page.
L01 | T Th 10am | McCosh 10 | Robert Sedgewick | CS 319 | 11-1:00 TuTh |
rs@cs | |
P01 | T Th 12:30pm | Friend 108 | Donna Gabai | CS 205 | Sun 7-9pm in Friend 017 | dgabai@cs |
P01A | T Th 12:30pm | Friend 109 | Maia Ginsburg | CS 205 | Mon 2:00-3:00pm Fr 2:30-3:00pm Thu Dec 11 and Fri Dec 12 only |
maia@cs |
P01B | T Th 12:30pm | Friend 009 | Andrea LaPaugh | CS 304 | Weds 2:00-4:00pm Dec 10 only |
aslp@cs |
P02 | T Th 1:30pm | Friend 108 | Dan Leyzberg | CS 208 | Mon 2:00-4:00pm | dan.leyzberg@ |
P02A | T Th 1:30pm | Friend 109 | Stephen Cook | CS 001B | Mon 4:30-6:30pm | stcook@ |
P02B | T Th 1:30pm | Friend 009 | Andrea LaPaugh | CS 304 | Weds 2:00-4:00pm Dec 10 only |
aslp@cs |
P02C | T Th 1:30pm | Friend 111 | Jordan Ash | CS 004 | Mon 1:00-3:00pm | jordanta@cs |
P03 | T Th 2:30pm | Friend 108 | Dan Leyzberg | CS 208 | Mon 2:00-4:00pm | dan.leyzberg@ |
P03A | T Th 2:30pm | Friend 110 | Shaoqing (Victor) Yang | 221 Nassau St., first floor |
Wed 1:00-3:00pm | sy2@ |
P04 | T Th 7:30pm | Friend 108 | Katie Edwards | CS 244 | Tue 12:30pm-1:30pm Thu Dec 11 only |
ke@ |
P05 | W F 1:30pm | Friend 108 | Doug Clark | CS 309 | Fri Dec 12 only |
doug@ |
P05A | W F 1:30pm | Friend 109 | Maia Ginsburg | CS 205 | Mon 2:00-3:00pm Fr 2:30-3:00pm Thu Dec 11 and Fri Dec 12 only |
maia@cs |
P05B | W F 1:30pm | Friend 110 | Ted Brundage | CS 004 | Fri 2:30-3:30pm Thu Dec 11 and Fri Dec 12 only |
tobrund@ |
P06 | W F 2:30pm | Friend 108 | Doug Clark | CS 309 | Fri Dec 12 only |
doug@ |
P06A | W F 2:30pm | Friend 109 | Donna Gabai | CS 205 | Sun 7-9pm in Friend 017 | dgabai@cs |
P01B P02B |
Young Kun Ko | CS 103A | Mon Dec 8 only |
yko@cs |
P05 P06 |
Nevin Li | 221 Nassau St., first floor |
Mon 3:00-5:00pm | nhli@ |
B02 | Th 3pm | Icahn 200 | Colin Watson | Moffett 430A | colinw@ |
B03 | F 3pm | Icahn 200 | Emily Nelson | Icahn 132 | emilysn@ |
Undergraduate lab TAs are available most evenings in room TBD to provide general help with using your operating system and assist with debugging your programs. You can use the computers located there or bring your own laptop.