What are the main goals of this assignment? You will (i) solve a fundamental problem in computational biology, (ii) learn about the analysis of algorithms, and (iii) learn about a powerful programming paradigm known as dynamic programming.
How do I read in the two input strings from the file? Use StdIn.readString() and redirection as usual.
How do I access the length of a string s? The ith character? Use s.length() and s.charAt(i), respectively. As with arrays, indices start at 0. We'll learn about this notation for manipulating (String) objects in Section 3.1. For this assignment, this is all you'll need to know about objects.
Can I assume that the input characters will always be A, C, G or T? NO! Your program should work equally well for any letter, upper case or lower case.
What's a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException? It's just like an ArrayOutOfBoundsException. It results from invoking s.charAt(i) with an illegal value of i.
How could I get a NullPointerException? Did you forget to allocate memory for opt[][]?
How do I declare and initialize a two dimensional array in Java? Review the end of Section 1.4 in Intro to Programming.
It seems strange to define x[i..M] to be the substring consisting of x[i] through x[M-1] instead of x[i] through x[M]. Is this a typo? It's a little strange, but no, it's not a typo. It's consistent with Java's indexing notation where the left endpoint is inclusive and the right endpoint is exclusive.
Which alignment should I print out if there are two or more optimal ones? Output any one you like.
Should gaps be handled by penalty()? The solution we think is clearest does not call penalty() on gaps, since a gap is not a character. Of course, the alignment output should use the '-' symbol to denote a gap, and the inputs we give you will never contain '-' (only alphanumeric characters are used), so if you find it convenient for penalty() to recognize '-' as a gap, you are permitted to do so.
Where can I learn more about dynamic programming and backtracking? The LCS (longest common subsequence) problem described in booksite section 9.6 is an example of a dynamic programming problem on strings with backtracking. However, it is different from the current problem in many ways, so do not simply mimic the code without understanding what it does. The websheet exercises for this week include several dynamic programming exercises starting from a basic level, including KnapsackBacktrack which is an example of backtracking.
What does OutOfMemoryError mean? When Java runs, it requests a certain amount of memory from the operating system. The exact amount depends on the version of Java and your computer, but can vary from 64MB to 1024MB (1GB). After Java has started, the total size of all variables in use cannot be larger than what it originally requested. Trying to do so causes an OutOfMemoryError.
For this assignment, the largest test cases use huge arrays, and Java needs to ask for enough memory from the operating system. To explicitly ask for for more (or less) memory, use the -Xmx flag. For example, to request 500 megabytes (500 MB) of memory for a run, use
Here 500m means 500 MB. You should adjust this number depending on the amount of memory your computer has and the size of the arrays you will need for the data set you are running. The amount 500MB should get you through ecoli10000.txt. To run ecoli20000.txt you will need to request more memory. (How much? The readme asks you to estimate this.)java-introcs -Xmx500m EditDistance < input.txt
What does "Could not reserve enough space for object heap" mean? This occurs if you use -Xmx with a value that is larger than the amount of available physical memory. Additionally, due to address space limitations, some 32-bit versions of Windows also will give this error if you try to request more than approximately 1.5GB, no matter how much physical memory is installed.
How do I determine how much physical memory is installed on my computer?
On Mac, select About this Mac from the Apple menubar.
On Windows, press Windows-R (or Run on the Start menu),
enter msinfo32
and look for total physical memory.
How can I measure how long my program takes on each file? To measure the running time of your program, there are a few techniques.
and use a stopwatch. We redirect the output to a file to prevent printing text from becoming a bottleneck.java-introcs -Xmx500m EditDistance < input.txt > output.txt
A second technique, which we think probably best suits the needs of this application, is to use the -Xprof runtime switch, which asks Java to print out timing data about the run. To use this with output redirection, type
The timing information will appear at the end of the file output.txt, and you want the "flat profile" for main. The line will look likejava-introcs -Xprof -Xmx500m EditDistance < input.txt > output.txt
but these numbers are made up and yours will be different. We don't care about the ticks.Flat profile of 4.5 secs (15 total ticks): main
Piping can be useful here. You can skip the output file in the previous step by piping your output to another program that will look for "Flat profile". and it should print out the time (and throw away all the other program output). On a Mac, run
On Windows, use find instead of grep:java-introcs -Xprof -Xmx500m EditDistance < input.txt | grep "main"
This find/grep command searches through all of whatever text it is fed and only prints out the lines containing the text main. Type man grep (in Terminal) or find /? (in Command Prompt) for more information.java-introcs -Xprof -Xmx500m EditDistance < input.txt | find "main"
As a third technique, you can use Stopwatch objects, see Repeat.java for an example. We'll explain more about objects later in the course.
Finally, you may elect to directly use System.currentTimeMillis() as shown in lecture.
How do I use a cluster machine in Friend 016/017? See this page for general instructions. Please also read the first bullet point for the question immediately below.
My timing data do not fit a polynomial hypothesis. What could I be doing wrong?
Testing. To help you check the part of your program that generates the alignment, there are many test files in the sequence directory.
ecoli2500.txt 118 ecoli5000.txt 160 fli8.txt 6 fli9.txt 4 fli10.txt 2 ftsa1272.txt 758 gene57.txt 8 stx1230.txt 521 stx19.txt 10 stx26.txt 17 stx27.txt 19
% java-introcs EditDistance < endgaps7.txt % java-introcs EditDistance < fli10.txt Edit distance = 4 Edit distance = 2 a - 2 T T 0 t t 0 G G 0 a a 0 G G 0 t t 0 C T 1 t t 0 G G 0 a a 0 G G 0 t t 0 A T 1 - a 2 A A 0 C C 0 T T 0
These are purely suggestions for how you might make progress. You do not have to follow these steps.
You will call these from your main method to compute penalties and to determine which of the three cases yields the minimum edit distance.// return the penalty for aligning character a with character b public static int penalty(char a, char b) // return the min of 3 integers public static int min(int a, int b, int c)
To print the matrix out in nicely formatted columns, use
with nested for loops. Remember to remove this debugging print section before submitting the final version of your program.System.out.printf("%3d", opt[i][j]);
This is an iterative process. At each step we look to see which path choice we should make. Using the example from the assignment we start at i = 0, j=0 where x[i] = 'A' and y[i] = 'T'. The choices are to print "A -" and move down with a gap cost of 2, "- T" and move right with a gap cost of 2, or "A T" and move diagonally with a mismatch cost of 1. We know to pick "A T" because 7 - 6 = 1. This is the only choice which matches the matrix. (It is possible to have more than one choice which matches the matrix. In that case, either choice will lead to the same optimal edit distance.)
Test this part thoroughly. For example, one corner case to test is to make sure that you print out the ENTIRE alignment, even when one sequence finishes before the other. (Use lastXgaps9.txt and lastYgaps9.txt to test.)
private static int MISMATCH = 1;(and two other similar ones for gaps and matches). This makes your code easy to use if a different set of penalties is desired.
matrix?) With more work, you can
also compute the optimal alignment in linear space
(and quadratic time). This is known as Hirschberg's algorithm (1975).