**Part I: Tail Recursion** Consider the following definitions: type nat = int ;; let rec fact (n:nat) : nat = if n <= 0 then 1 else fact (n-1) * n ;; let rec fib (n:nat) : nat = match n with | 0 -> 0 | 1 -> 1 | n -> fib (n-1) + fib (n-2) ;; let rec len (xs:nat list) : nat = match xs with | [] -> 0 | hd::tl -> 1 + len tl ;; type cont = nat -> nat ;; (1a) Write the following tail-recursive functions using continuation passing style: fact_cont : nat -> cont -> nat fib_cont : nat -> cont -> nat len_cont : nat list -> cont -> nat (1b) Write another set of tail-recursive equivalents using accumulating parameter style: (1c) Prove that your continuation-passing function fact_cont is equivalent to the original version of fact presented above. In other words, prove the following lemma and then the theorem: Lemma: For all natural numbers n, for all k:cont, fact_cont n k == k (fact n) Theorem: For all natural numbers n, fact_cont n (fun m -> m) == fact n You could do the same for the other functions. **Part II: Closure Conversion** Closure-convert the following code. In other words, rewrite the functions apply and sum (call them apply_code and sum_code) so that they contain no free variables. Ensure the resulting code type checks. let c = 5;; let d = 6;; let apply (f : int -> int) : int = f (c*d) ;; let sum (y : int) : int = y + c + d;; let result = apply sum;; **Part III: Induction: Trees** type tree = Leaf | Node of int * tree * tree;; let rec inc (t:tree) (a:int) : tree = match t with Leaf -> Leaf | Node(i,left,right) -> Node(i+a, inc left a, inc right a) ;; Prove the following theorem: Theorem: for all t:tree, inc (inc t a) b == inc t (a+b)