COS 402: Artificial Intelligence

Homework #1

Turing Test and Search

Fall 2010

Due: Tuesday, September 28

This assignment consists of written exercises only (all later assignments will also involve programming).  Numbers in brackets indicate approximate number of points each problem is worth.  See the assignments page for information on when and where to submit written exercises, and grading criteria.

Important note:  The exercises from R&N listed below are for the third edition.  If you are using the second edition, you can access the third-edition Chapter 3 exercises electronically (including all of the ones below), as follows: log on to the COS402 site on blackboard, then click on "E-Reserves", then "Chapter 3 exercises".

1.  [10] There are many "chatterbots" on the web that attempt to carry on human-level conversations, often within a limited domain.  These include:

Have a "conversation" with one or more of these chatterbots.  Try to test what they can or cannot do, what they are good at, and what they are not so good at.  See what you can learn about how they work.  Then briefly (say, in three paragraphs or less) describe and analyze your experience.

2.  [10] Problem 3.6 in R&N (3rd ed.).  Do any two of the four parts of this problem.

3.  [15] Problem 3.15 in R&N (3rd ed.).

4.  [10] Problem 3.18 in R&N (3rd ed.).  Be sure to justify your answer.