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COS 429 - Computer Vision |
Fall 2009 |
Course home | Outline and lecture notes | Assignments |
There will be four assignments, each consisting of a written section and a programming section. These are to be completed individually, and together will count for 70% of the final grade.
In addition, there will be a final project for the course, to be completed in groups of 2-3. This will be worth 30% of the final grade. Final project presentations will be Jan 7, and a written report will be due at the end of reading period.
Assignments 1 through 4 are due at 11:59 PM on the due date. You are given
3 free late days that you can use any time during the semester. However, if you have used up your free late days, your grade will be taken 20% off per late day from your original grade.
No late presentations or reports will be permitted for the final project.
You may discuss assignments with others, but everything handed in must be
your own work. All code must be your own - you may not use code from your
classmates, the internet, or any other source.
For the final project, you are expected to collaborate within your group, and
to look at other projects and publications for inspiration. However, you must
acknowledge any ideas that are not your own, and you may not directly re-use
others' code.
Late Policy
Collaboration Policy