Additional material: Sonification and code

Files for sound use extensions like .wav, .snd, .aiff, or .au, cryptic headers, and arcane formats. Here's a simple way to get .snd or .wav files with C code, which should then be playable on PCs and UNIX machines. It's not the only way to proceed, of course, but it should do the trick.

First, we write a raw data file: This should produce a raw data file called data.flt. Then convert this to .snd format using Perry Cook's utility: Important Note: The byte order is different on different machines, and you need to choose which one you need by commenting-in the appropriate definition in wavio.h (see the comments in that file). I use BIGENDIAN because I'm running on a SUN machine. I therefore get .snd files. If you use BIGENDIAN you'll get .wav files. Either should play on PCs and most other machines.

Another Note: If you're running on a Solaris machine, you may find you need to use the Standard Desktop Environment so that sdtaudio works properly.
Acknowledgements:   Thanks to guru and header therapist Prof. Perry Cook for float2wav, among other goodies.
Ken Steiglitz, 8/12/02