
Freshman Seminar 101
Election Machinery
Andrew W. Appel

Fall 2008

General Information | Schedule and Readings | Assignments | Course Blog

September 15: Election protocols

Register to vote. If you are a U.S. citizen, and you will be 18 by November 4, you should register now. You may register in your hometown or in Princeton, either is legal (but you may vote only in one place).

September 22

September 29

October 6

Visit and demonstration by Kevin Chung, president of Avante International Technology, Inc., a maker of electronic voting machines.

October 13

October 20

October 27: Midterm break week

Instituted in 1972 upon the demand of the undergraduates, so they could go home and campaign for their candidates.

November 3

November 10: The 2004 Election

November 17

November 22

December 1

Visit from Stefan Popoveniuc who will demonstrate the Scantegrity voting system.

December 8

Optional reading:
Elbridge Gerry's Salamander: The Electoral Consequences of the Reapportionment Revolution, by Gary W. Cox and Jonathan N. Katz, Cambridge University Press, 2002.

January 15

FINAL PAPER DUE January 15th. The final paper should be about 1500-2000 words. It will not be posted on the public blog. You should submit it to me by e-mail. Submit it in PDF if you have the technology to do that, otherwise in MS-Word format.

You may choose any reasonable topic within the scope of this course. If you have written about a topic in one blog post, you may still write your final paper on the same topic; but if you have already written two blog posts on some topic, then choose something else for your final paper.

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