HCI Project Proposal Updates
Due Monday, December 8, 2007
This should in web page form.
Keep links to your old project ideas and updates.
By now you must have selected one actual project to do.
This update should already begin to resemble the final
report. Block diagrams, references, etc. should begin
to filter in. Timeline should congeal. Equipment list
with prices should be included as well.
You must now have a name for your group and project!
The update/pre-report should include fleshier versions of:
- Title of Project
- Who is in the group, and their expert areas that contribute
to the project (or what they are responsible for learning
about in the project, and teaching the rest of the group).
- Motivations, why build this, who would use it?
- How will the device be tested for success?
- What equipment is needed for completion?
- Timeline for completion (use dates instead of Week#)
- Sketches, Figures, Block Diagrams
- Acknowledgements
- References
All groups will present their ideas in class, with
preliminary demos/mock-ups, etc. at a "Design Review"
class session on Wednesday, December 10.
Email us (prc@cs.princeton.edu,nikolova@cs.princeton.edu)
the link to your web page prior to 5:PM on December 8.
You can hack on it thereafter until class time on the 10,
but don't move it.