Reading: Questions

Students are required to turn in their answers to the assigned questions before lecture. These notes are graded. Student will earn 3 points each time: 3 for excellent understanding, 2 for good understanding, 1 for understanding a little, and 0 for no understanding. If you submit your notes after the class, you will not receive any points.

We will accept paper submissions and email submissions, provided the emails have a subject including "reading questions" and the lecture number, and the answers are in plain text, not in an attachment.

MOS 1.4-1.5

Goal: Understand the responsibilities, components, and services of an operating system.

MOS 1.6-1.7

Goal: Understand the OS structure and the implementation of system calls and libraries.

MOS 2.1-2.2

Goal: Understand the concept of program, process, and thread.

MOS 2.2.3-2.3.3

Goal: Understand different kinds of threads as well as the concept of a critical section.

MOS 2.3.3, 2.3.6

Goal: Understand how to use disabled interrupts and atomic read-modify-write to implement mutual exclusion.

MOS 2.4 (2e: 2.5)

Goal: Understand the criteria and methods of CPU scheduling

MOS 2.3.5, 2.3.7, Birrell

Goal: Understand the concept of semaphores and monitors and know about how to use them.

MOS 6 (2e: 3)

Goal: Understand the cause of deadlocks and think about the best solution.

MOS 5.1-5.3, 5.5-5.9

Goal: Understand I/O devices, their interrupt handlers, and device drivers.

A complicated issue in designing a device driver is to provide asynchronous operations.

MOS 2.3.8, 8.2.1-8.2.4

Goal: Understand the issues in designing message-passing APIs and how to implement them.

MOS 3.1-3.3.3 (2e: 4.1-4.3.3)

Goal: Understand the basic concept of virtual memory and various address translations

MOS 3.4 (2e: 4.4)

Goal: Understand the properties of various page replacement algorithms.

The textbook describes 10 page replacement algorithms in Section 4.4.

MOS 3.5-3.6 (2e: 4.6-4.7)

Goal: Understand implementation issues.

DARPA Internet Protocols

David Clark, The design philosophy of the DARPA internet protocols, In Proceedings of SIGCOMM Conference. 1988.
Goal: Understand the design principles of the Internet.

MOS 5.4

Goal: Understand how disks work and learn about various disk scheduling algorithms.

MOS 4.1, 9.3.1-9.3.3 (2e: 6.1, 9.6)

Goal: Understand file system interfaces and protection.

MOS 4.2-4.3.3, 4.5.2-4.5.3 (2e: 6.2-6.3.3, 6.4.3, 6.4.5)

Goal: Understand file directories and file layout alternatives.

MOS 4.4.2-4.4.4, 4.3.5 (2e: 6.3.6-6.3.8)

Goal: Understand the issues and some solutions for file system reliability.

MOS 10.6.3-10.6.4, NetApp

David Hitz, James Lau, and Michael Malcolm. File system design for an NFS file server appliance. Winter USENIX Technical Conference (San Francisco, CA, 17-21 January 1994), pages 235-246. USENIX Association, 1994.
Goal: Understand the design and issue of the original NetApp file server.

This paper describes the internals of WAFL, the NetApp's file system which has a built-in mechanism to take snapshots.