Part of this assignment is to fill out the following brief questionnaire.
Regardless of the operating system that you choose, the goal of Assignment 0 is to make sure that you can:
What's a checklist? The programming assignment specifies the general programming assignment. The checklist contains supplemental information, and you are expected to read it prior to submitting your work. Some examples include: links to any preliminary code, reference solutions, a readme.txt template, hints, and frequently asked questions.
What preparation do I need to complete this assignment? Read Section 1.1 and Section 1.2.
I don't understand all of the jargon in HelloWorld.java. Should I drop the course? Absolutely not! We'll explain this in the first or second precept. Do the readings and and bring any lingering questions to the first precept.
It's the first week of class. Do I really need to start reading the text? Yes. Getting off to a good start will save you alot of energy in the long run. We recommend that you skim the first few sections of the text. If you don't understand something, email or visit your preceptor for assistance. Don't be bashful about asking for help.
What's the difference between the textbook and the booksite? Reading a book and surfing the web are two different activities: This booksite is intended for your use while online (for example, while programming and while browsing the web); the textbook is for your use when initially learning new material and when reinforcing your understanding of that material (for example, when reviewing to prepare for an exam). Also, some of the booksite is still under construction, so there are gaps.
Do I have to use DrJava? No, feel free to use any development environment you like.
Is Java case-sensitive? Yes, uppercase and lowercase letters are different. class HelloWorld is not the same as clASS helloWorld. Furthermore, you must specify the file names with the proper case.
How should I read in user input? Use command line input and Integer.parseInt, as described in Section 1.2. We will learn about other ways to handle input in Section 1.5.
The template readme.txt file doesn't view properly in Notepad? Use DrJava instead. Be careful to save the file as readme.txt and not as a Java file. And DO NOT use a word document editor such as Microsoft Word which will save the file in a different format.
What's Moodle? Moodle is the system you will use to submit assignments and check grades.
When I login to Moodle, my browser asks me whether I should accept a "security certificate." How should I proceed? Accept it permanently. We need to establish a secure connection so that you can submit assignments and check grades with reasonable privacy.
When I submit HelloWorld.java, the system does not seem to check off that I have submitted it. Why not? Be sure the file is named HelloWorld.java. The capitalization and .java extension are important. Also, be aware that DrJava creates backup files with a .java~ extension, so be sure that you don't submit these. If you use Windows, we recommend configuring your system to unhide the filetype extensions.
When I go to submit my files, my browser asks me whether I should accept a "security certificate." How should I proceed? Accept it permanently. We need to establish a secure connection so that you can submit assignments and check grades with reasonable privacy.
How do I use the "Run Script" button? Click it. Note that it activates only after all of the required files have been submitted.
Submission. All assignments submissions are electronic. Here are some guidelines.
readme.txt. The readme.txt file is a narrative description of the work you did on your program. This is the first thing the grader will read. Each week, we'll provide a template readme file. Here are some guidelines:
Here's the ACM Hello World Page. It contains everyone's first program in over 200 programming languages.