COS 429 - Computer Vision

Fall 2007

by Fei-Fei Li

Course home Syllabus and lecture notes Course project


Suggested ideas


Project proposal ( due 11:59pm, Friday, Nov 9 )

The project proposal is 5% of your entire grade for cos429. It should be no more than 1 page, written with this template ( Both word and latex versions are included. ). You should submit your proposal in pdf to moodle. Your proposal should describe the following, as best as you can.  (We understand that some details will have to be worked out as the project proceeds.)


Project Write-up (due 11:59pm, Dean's Day, Jan 15)

The final writeup is 30% of your entire course grade. We have given you the write-up template. Given this format, your report should be between 8-10 pages (excluding the supplementary material, more later). You should submit your report in pdf to moodle. All of you are basing your project on someone's previous work. So you have read at least several papers. We're expecting your report to be written in the style of the papers you have read. The following is a suggested structure for your report.

Project Presentation (Monday Jan 14, 3-6pm, CS 102 )

The course presentation is 5% of your entire course grade. In addition, the winner team (judged by you) receives a prize of TBA. We are enforcing a very strict time limit to each presentation. For each team, you have a total of 6 minutes -- 5 minutes of presentation and 1 minute of Q&A. You are also going to act as reviewers for each of the presentation. Please take a look at the review form, in which you will also find the order of the presentation, which we have used a method to randomly determine. This should be very helpful for your own preparation of the presentation.