Computer Science 226 |
Weekly exercises are due at the beginning of lecture on the date given. The exercises are subject to change until they have a due date.
1 | Union find | Thursday, 9/20 |
2 | Stacks and queues | Thursday, 9/27 |
3 | Analysis of algorithms | Thursday, 9/27 |
4 | Sorting | Thursday, 10/4 |
5 | Priority queues | Thursday, 10/11 |
6 | Binary search trees | Thursday, 10/18 |
7 | Balanced trees | Thursday, 10/18 |
8 | Hashing | do not turn in |
9 | Undirected graphs | Thursday, 11/8 |
10 | Directed graphs | Thursday, 11/8 |
11 | MST | Thursday, 11/15 |
12 | Shortest paths | Thursday, 11/15 |
13 | Geometric algorithms | Thursday, 11/29 |
14 | Geometric search | Thursday, 11/29 |
15 | Radix sort | Thursday, 11/29 |
16 | Tries | Thursday, 12/6 |
17 | Data compression | Thursday, 12/6 |
18 | Pattern matching | Thursday, 12/13 |
19 | Linear programming | Thursday, 12/13 |
20 | Reduction | do not turn in |
Grading policy.
Grades on the problem set questions will be:
4 (correct),
3 (minor mistake),
2 (major mistake),
1 (poor try) or
0 (all wrong or not submitted).
Lateness policy. Late exercises will not be accepted without a University-sanctioned excuse or approval by a preceptor.
Collaboration policy. Problem sets should reflect your own work, but you are permitted to work with up to three classmates. If you do so, include the names of all of your collaborators with your solutions.