COS 226 Programming Assignment Checklist: Backtracking for the TSP
Frequently Asked Questions
I can't access or from the booksite.
Sorry, the Algorithms in Java booksite is currently only accessible from the Princeton
network. You can find the two files in the ftp directory. If you need access, send
Kevin your IP address and he'll add it to the whitelist.
I get the same tour, but starting at a different point (or visiting the points in a different
orientation). Is that OK?
Yes, that's fine. Also, the distance might differ from the one
in reference solution in the last one or two digits (as a result of floating-point
roundoff error).
Input, Output, and Testing
The directory
backtrack contains a number of sample input files
and optimal tours.
Output format.
Your output format must exactly match ours: an integer N,
followed by the N points (two double values using
"%6.5f %6.5f" formatting),
followed by the distance of the tour. We will use diff
to compare your optimal tour against our reference solutions (though your
optimal tour may use a different starting point or orientation.)
One way to check that is producing an optimal tour
is to use standard draw to superimpose
your tour (in blue) with the optimal tour provided (in red).
(Extra credit if you discover any bugs in our solutions.)
To independently check, we have included
solutions farthest10.txt and farthest50.txt to the 10-
and 50-point instances.
To independently check that you are computing the Euclidean MST correctly,
the distance for the 10-point instance is 2.1158879340974117 and
the distance for the 50-point instance is 4.8060373089797475.
These are purely suggestions for how you might make progress. You do
not have to follow these steps.
- Download the directory
backtrack to your system.
It contains a number of sample input files (tsp*.txt) and
optimal tours (opt*.txt).
Create a library of static methods with the following API:
// read in Euclidean TSP instance from input stream
public static Point[] read(In in)
// print the tour to standard output
public static void show(Point[] tour)
// return the distance of the tour
public static double dist(Point[] tour)
// draw the tour to standard draw
public static void draw(Point[] tour)
// return a copy of the Point array
public static Point[] copy(Point[] tour)
To implement the farthest insertion heuristic, create a class
FarthestInsertion with the following API:
// constructor
public FarthestInsertion(Point[] points)
// return the tour create by the heuristic as an array of points
public Point[] tour()
To compute the Euclidean MST, create a class
EuclideanMST with the following API:
// constructor
public EuclideanMST(Point[] points)
// return the cost of the Euclidean MST
public double cost()
Here are a few ideas that are likely to improve the backtracking algorithm.
- Eliminate different representations of the same tour.
There are 2N permutations corresponding to each tour because the starting
point and the orientation of the tour are unimportant.
Fix three points p, q, and r on the tour and
assume that the salesperson visits them in that order, starting from p.
- Better backtracking.
Backtrack if moving tour[n-1] to immediately after tour[i] would
decrease the length of the current path from
tour[0] to tour[n].
Backtrack if one of the two 3-way edge-swaps involving
tour[i], tour[i+1],
tour[j], tour[j+1],
tour[n-1], and tour[n] would decrease the length of
the current path.
- Better initial tour.
Finding a better initial tour enables the backtracking algorithm to prune
more branches.
One approach to finidng a better tour is to start with tour produced
by the farthest insertion heuristic,
and then repeatedly apply local changes that decrease the length of the tour.
A 2-opt move removes two edges and reconnects the two resulting paths
in a different way (there is only one possible way) to obtain a new tour.
A 3-opt move removes three edges and reconnects the three resulting paths
in a different way (there are two possible ways) to obtain a new tour.
- Better lower bound.
The MST-based lower bound is weak unless most of the vertices in the
resulting MST have degree 2 (which rarely happens).
To tighten the lower bound, learn about
1-tree Lagrangean
This is likely to provide the biggest overall improvement, but requires the most effort.