COS 425, Fall 2006 - Problem Set 1
Due at 1:30pm, Monday October 2, 2006.
Collaboration Policy
You may discuss problems with other students in the class. However,
student must write up his or her own solution to each problem
That is, while you may formulate the solutions to problems in
with classmates, you must be able to articulate the solutions on your
Late Penalties
- 10% of the earned score if submitted after class but by 5pm the
day due.
- 30% of the earned score if submitted by 5pm on Wednesday 10/4/06.
- No credit if submitted later than the 30% penalty
Chapter, exercise and page numbers
refer to the course text Database
Management Systems, 3rd edition,
by Ramakrishnan and Gehrke
Problem 1:
Part a Chapter 2, exercise 2.2, pg. 52, part 1.
Part b Chapter 2, exercise 2.2, pg. 52, part 2.
Problem 2 Chapter 2, exercise 2.6, pg. 53-54.
Problem 3 Consider a
database that holds information about movies and their
distribution to movie theaters:
- The database keeps track of all movies currently available to be
shown in theaters. Each movie is identified by its name,
producer, and release date. Other information recorded in the database
about each movie is its rating (G, PG, PG-13, R, X), in which movie
theaters, if any, it is
currently being shown, and which local distributors are distributing
the movie.
- The database keeps information on each movie theater currently
operational. Each theater is identified by its name and
location. The manager
of the theater and the number of screens (at least one) in the theater
are also recorded. For each movie showing in the theater, both
its identifying information and the local distributor providing the
movie are recorded. Each theater
may use several distributors, but only one distributor provides any one
movie. A movie house always has as many movies showing as it has
screens. The
start date and end date of any movie's showing in the theater are also
- The database keeps information on movie reviews. For each
review the following information is kept: the movie reviewed, the
reviewer, the date the review was written, the publisher of the review
(e.g. NY Times, PBS, MSNBC), and the text of the review. Assume
the text of the review is a prose critique of a specific movie.
(Even if a review appears in several forms,
e.g. Web, newspaper, TV, it has only one publisher.)
- The business name, proprietor, address and telephone number of
each local distributor are recorded. Local distributors are
uniquely identified by their business names. The movies each
carries for distribution are recorded.
Draw an ER diagram
describing the database. Represent the
constraints on data and the constraints on relationships between data.
Are there any constraints in the informal specification that you cannot
represent in the ER diagram? If so, for each such constraint state why
you cannot represent it.
Problem 4 The subclasses in an "IS A" hierarchy can satisfy
of the two constraints "overlapping" and "covering" independently. In
class we had examples of "not overlapping and covering (edited books and authored books) and overlapping and
not covering (student and employee of PU people). Give
an example for each of the other two possibilities: (overlapping and
covering) and (not overlapping and not covering). Your examples
should be easy to understand and should
be taken from the text or lecture.
Problem 5. For your ER diagram solving Problem 2 above, give
the set of relations and constraints defining the relational database
capturing the ER specification. Explain which constraints represented
by the entity-relationship
model can be captured in the relational model and how, and which
you cannot capture in the the relational model. You may use SQL or the
specification style used in lecture.
Problem 6. For your ER diagram solving Problem 3 above, give
the set of relations and constraints defining the relational database
capturing the ER specification. Explain which constraints represented
by the entity-relationship
model can be captured in the relational model and how, and which
you cannot capture in the the relational model. Again, you may use SQL
or the specification style used in lecture.