Homework 0: Administration

Out: Thursday, 9/14/06

Due: Monday, 9/18/06

First, sign up for the COS402 mailing list here.

Second, complete this survey to help us get to help us get to know you better. Be sure to click "Submit" when you are done.

First Name:

Last name:

OIT username:

Class: '07 '08 '09 '10    grad    other (please specify:)

Major (actual or planned): Computer Science other (please specify:)

Intended degree: AB BSE Masters PhD    other (please specify:)

Java experience: none little some lots

Computer science courses taken: 217 226    others:

Math courses taken:

Why are you taking this course and what do you hope to get out of it? Are there any topics that especially interest you?

Anything else you would like us to know?