Getting Started with SML
Using Princeton's Machines
We will be using OIT's hats/arizona machines for this course.
To begin, ssh to or Assuming you are using
tcsh/csh, you need to add the following line to your ~/.cshrc file in order to
add SML to your path.
setenv PATH ${PATH}:/u/cos441/ml/
Once you have done this, issue the command
source ~/.cshrc
to reload your .cshrc file, and then run
to begin interacting with SML.
Installing SML on your own machine
If you would like to install SML on your own machines, you can download it from If you are using Windows or Linux, use the current version
110.0.7. If you're running Mac OS X, you'll have to try a working version.
Interacting with SML
The SML command prompt is a dash. Terminate commands with a semicolon. Assuming
your expression is well-typed, SML will respond with
val it = v:t, where
is the resulting value and
is the type of that value. You can then use the variable
in the next input. To exit SML, close the input using the standard EOF
willy% sml
Standard ML of New Jersey, Version 110.0.7, September 28, 2000 [CM; autoload enabled]
- 3+4;
val it = 7 : int
- it - 5;
val it = 2 : int
- let val x = 3 in it + x end;
val it = 5 : int
use "file.sml";
at the command prompt to load code from a file. SML will then try to locate
that file in the current directory.
shows you the current directory.
changes the current directory.
Syntax Highlighting
It may be helpful to use an editor with syntax highlighting for SML. We
recommend using emacs since there is a package called
sml mode, with documentation
To use sml mode on the department machines, put this
file in your home directory.
An Example
The following details the way that I like to use sml and emacs. Feel free to
ignore it, but it's a good place to start if you're completely confused.
If you've got an Xserver such as Exceed running, type
emacs foo.sml &. If not, you can do
emacs -nw foo.sml. (In this case, you'll get
grayscale syntax highlighting.)
Assuming you are using the provided
file, emacs will realize from the file extension that you are writing sml code
and automatically put you into sml mode. You'll see
on the dark bar near the bottom of the window. You'll also get an SML menu on
the top bar.
Emacs has slightly odd notions of windows. A emacs frame is basically what you
usually think of as a window. You can divide a frame into multiple windows
(just like splitting the screen in most editors). A buffer is an open file or
some other process (such as the SML buffer or the default scratch buffer). So
for example, you can have one frame split into two windows, while having three
files open, two of which are visible at the moment.
I use the following keyboard shortcuts to set up my workspace the way I like
it. (The same options should be available in the menus somewhere.)
means hit
at the same time.
M-xmeans hit
x. (Note that if you're using an Xserver, you may
have to set it up to forward
to X.)
C-x b
means hit
at the same time and then hit
C-x 2
divides the frame horizontally into two windows.
C-x o
moves you to the other window.
M-x sml enter
starts SML in the background.
C-x b *sml* enter
switches buffers and moves SML into the lower window.
C-x o
moves you back to the top window.
C-c C-b
loads the current buffer into SML and the results will be displayed in the SML
process in the bottom window.
If emacs gets confused while you are entering a command, hitting
a few time usually sorts things out. If you're typing words (like a file name
or buffer name), you can use tab-completion.
Here are a few more
useful emacs commands.
Using the Compilation Manager
Some of the later assignments will use SML's compilation manager to
compile larger projects. All the files you want to compile should be listed in
a file called Path names in
are relative. (
will be provided for you with the code for each assigment.)
To compile code with the compilation manager, first make sure SML is in the
directory where
is located. Use
to see the current directory and
to change the current directory the current directory.
Once the directory is correct, type
and SML will compile all the files listed in If you see
val it= () : unit;
at the end, then your files all compiled correctly. Otherwise there will be
error messages.
Other Useful Hints
If you get hash marks when printing out values, try changing the printLength
and printDepth:
- int2nat(5);
val it = succ (succ (succ (succ (succ #)))) : nat
- Compiler.Control.Print.printLength := 1000;
val it = () : unit
- Compiler.Control.Print.printDepth := 1000;
val it = () : unit
- int2nat(5);
val it = succ (succ (succ (succ (succ zero)))) : nat
Page maintained by frances@cs. Last updated 9/24/2005.