Princeton University
Computer Science Department

Computer Science 433

Boaz Barak

Fall 2005

· Take-home final is now available - deadline is January 17th, 2006 12:00pm (noon)
· Deadline for course project - January 13th, 2006 1:30pm.

Latest Lecture | Admin | Course Info | Reading | Lecture notes

Course Summary

An introduction to modern cryptography with an emphasis on the fundamental ideas. We will survey both the basic information and complexity theoretic concepts as well as their (often surprising and counter-intuitive) applications.

Click on the lecture number for notes and/or slides, and links to additional reading material:

Administrative Information

Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday 1:30pm-2:50pm, Room: Computer Science Room 102

Professor: Boaz Barak - 405 CS Building. Email: Phone: 258-0255 (I prefer email)

Undergraduate Coordinator: Donna O'Leary - 410 CS Building - 258-1746

Teaching Assistants: David Xiao ( dxiao@cs )

course mailing list.

Grading: 50% homework, 25% project, 25% take-home final. See syllabus for more details.

Course Information

Cryptography or "secret writing" has been around for about 4000 years, but was revolutionized in the last few decades. The first aspect of this revolution involved placing cryptography on more solid mathematical grounds, thus transforming it from an art to a science and showing a way to break out of the "invent-break-tweak" cycle that characterized crypto throughout history. The second aspect was extending cryptography to applications far beyond simple codes, including some paradoxical impossible-looking creatures such as public key cryptography , zero knowledge proofs, and playing poker over the phone.

This course will be an introduction to modern "post-revolutionary" cryptography with an emphasis on the fundamental ideas (as opposed to an emphasis on practical implementations). Among the topics covered will be private key and public key encryption schemes (including DES/AES and RSA), digital signatures, one-way functions, pseudo-random generators, zero-knowledge proofs, and security against active attacks (e.g., chosen ciphertext (CCA) security). As time permits, we may also cover more advanced topics such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL/TLS) protocol and the attacks on it (Goldberg and Wagner, Bleichenbacher), secret sharing, two-party and multi-party secure computation, and quantum cryptography.

There are no formal prerequisites for the course, but I will assume that students are able to read and write mathematical proofs. In addition, familiarity with algorithms and basic probability theory will be helpful. I recommend that CS majors take this course after COS 226 and COS 341.If you're interested in the course but are not sure you have sufficient background, or you have any other questions about the course, please contact me at


There is no single official textbook for this course. However, some of the lectures will follow Oded Goldreich's book Foundations of Cryptography Volumes 1 and 2. Note that some of this material is online in the form of "fragments" of the book.

There are several lecture notes for cryptography courses on the web. In particular the notes of Vadhan, Bellare and Rogaway, Goldwasser and Bellare and Malkin will be useful.

Some good sources for the probability and complexity/algorithms backgrounds are:

A good source for computational number theory is A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra by Victor Shoup. Note that this book freely available on-line under the creative commons license. Another good book on this topic is A Concrete Introduction to Higher Algebra by Lindsay Childs.

Some other more application-oriented crypto books (note that these books take a much less careful approach to definitions and security proofs than we do in the course):

Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, and Scott A. Vanstone. Handbook of Applied Cryptography.
Douglas R.  Stinson. Cryptography: Theory and Practice.
Bruce Schneier.  Applied Cryptography.
Ross Anderson Security Engineering

Lecture Notes and Handouts.

        September 2005 

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        October 2005 

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        November 2005 

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        December 2005 

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Lecture 1: Thursday, September 15, 2005
Overview of crypto goals and history. Some classical ciphers and how they were broken. Outline of crypto 1970's "revolution". Admin info about the course.
Powerpoint Slides
Handout 1 - Probability (LaTeX source) - solutions due Tuesday, September 20. Including correction of statement of Chebychev bound (Sep 18)
We prefer that you use LaTeX to write your solution. Dave wrote a short guide for LaTex (you might want to look at the source files for the guide: latex-guide.tex and macros.tex).

Additional reading: You can find more information about historical ciphers on the web page Alex Biryukov's wonderful Course on Cryptanalysis.

Mathematical proofs: Some students asked me for material on reading, writing and coming up with mathematical proofs. Chapters 1 and 3 of the Lehman-Leighton notes of an MIT course can be useful. Some tips on mathematical writing in general and proofs in particular can be found in these few pages from Knuth, Larrabee, and Roberts. On a lighter and more general note, you might be interested to read Keith Devlin's musing about mathematical proofs.

Reading for next class: We'll start to use probability a lot (although only very basic things). The handout contains some references. In particular you might want to take a look at this short handout by Luca Trevisan.
We'll start also thinking about defining security for encryption schemes. Throughout this course the theme of such definitions will be rigor - mathematical precision and being conservative - making very strong demands on the security. In pages 20-25 of Goldreich's book (Volume 1) he gives a nice description of the motivation behind this approach.

Lecture 2: Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Perfect Secrecy, the one-time pad. Limitations of perfect secrecy.
Lecture Outline
Powerpoint Slides (partial, did not use these in class)
Handout 2 - Perfect and statistical secrecy, computational models (LaTeX source). Solutions due Tuesday, September 27.
I also handed out a summary of the term project. Note that by Thursday, September 29th 1:30pm you should send me an email with the members of your group and rough description of the application.

Additional reading: Lecture 2 of Bellare's course discusses the issues in defining security for encryption schemes and perfect security. See also Section 6.4 in the Golwasser-Bellare lecture notes. The definition of perfect secrecy was first given by Shannon in this 1949 paper, but our discussion followed more closely the approach of Goldwasser and Micali who, when referring to the indistinguishability definition for encryption schemes, said: "A good disguise should not allow a mother to distinguish between her own children".

Reading for next class: Next class we'll discuss computational models such as Boolean circuits and Turing machines. You might want to take a look at pages 351-360 and 368-375 of Sipser's book. Also, I prepared a description of the computational models we use and the relationships between them. See also this picture

Lecture 3: Thursday, September 22, 2005
Statistical security and its limitations. Computational models - Boolean circuits. Complexity classes: P/poly, NP, P.
Lecture Outline
Powerpoint Slides (partial, did not use these in class)
computational models handout and figure.

Additional reading: Computational complexity is covered in many places and in particular in Sipser's book. If you prefer PowerPoint slides you can look at Muli Safra's complexity course. In particular the first 5 presentations there (Introduction, Preliminaries, Reductions, Cook Theorem, and NP-complete Problems) roughly cover the material we discussed (and of course also some things we did not discuss). As I already mentioned, once we have an impossibility result, the right thing to do is to try to bypass it. This holds also for NP-completeness results where once a problem is NP-complete, and hence is probably not efficiently solvable, people try to approximately solve it (for example, if we can't color a graph in the minimum number of colors, try to color it within a factor of at most K times the minimum for some k.). This web site tracks the current approximation status of many problems. In many cases we can prove that it is NP-hard to even approximate some problems. For a good exposition of this, see Sanjeev Arora's thesis.

For next class: Next class we'll start use computational hardness for cryptography. There is no particular source to read, but you might want to think whether or not we can use worst case hardness for cryptography, and if not, what sort of hardness will we require.

Lecture 4: Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Computational indistinguishability, Pseudorandom generators.
Lecture Outline
Handout (Latex Source) - Due October 11th
Powerpoint Slides (partial, did not use these in class)

Additional reading: You should look at Goldreich's