COS 126

Theory of Computation Exercises

Due: Monday, 11:59pm

  1. Huntington's disease diagnostic. Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited and fatal neurological disorder. Although there is currently no cure, in 1993 scientists discovered a very accurate genetic test. The gene that causes Huntington's disease is located on the short arm of chromosome 4, and it has a variable number of repeats of the CAG trinucleotide. These "stuttering" repeats lead to an excess in the amount of the amino acid glutamine in the protein huntingtin. The normal range of CAG repeats is between 10 and 35. Individuals with HD may have between 36 and 180 repeats. Doctors can use a simple PCR-based DNA test, count the number of repeats, and inform patients whether they are at risk.

     Repeats   Diagnosis 
     0 - 9  not human
     10 - 35  normal
     36 - 39  high risk
     40 - 180  Huntington's disease
     181 - ∞  not human

    Write a program to read in a human DNA sequence from a file and identify whether the patient is at risk for HD by determining the maximum number of CAG repeats. Output the maximum number of repeats, and an appropriate medical diagnosis based on the table above. The data file format will consist of a sequence of the letters A, C, G, and T, along with arbitrary amounts of whitespace separating the letters. For full credit, your program should be able to identify CAG repeats that span multiple lines.

    For example, the following sequence has a CAG repeat of size 4.

    Here is a sample run of your program:
    % java Huntingtons test1.txt
    max number of CAG repeats = 4
    not human

  2. Turing machine. Design a Turing machine that takes as input two binary integers, separated by a <, and ends in a yes state if the first integer is strictly less than the second one, and a no state otherwise.

    Use this Turing machine simulator to develop your machine. Your job is to create and submit a text file comparator.tur containing the description of your Turing machine like the one below, but instead of adding the two binary numbers, it should compare them.

    Binary Adder
    Add two binary numbers, and
    leave the result on the tape.
    2 R 0.25 0.75
    0 L 0.25 0.25
    1 L 0.75 0.25
    3 L 0.75 0.75
    4 R 0.40 0.50
    5 H 0.60 0.50
    0 0 0 1  135
    0 1 1 0
    0 4 + #
    1 3 + +
    2 0 # #
    3 2 # 1  0.2
    3 2 0 1 -0.2
    3 3 1 0 -30
    4 4 1 # -135
    4 5 # #
    [1] 0 1 0 + 1 1 1 1
    [1] 0 0 + 1 1 1
    [1] 1 0 0 + 1 1
    [1] 0 1 0 + 1 0 0 1 0 1 

    The data file is divided into 5 sections (title, description, vertices, edges, tapes), and each section begins with the corresponding name. Each vertex (state) is specified with 4 required values: its name (a string), its type (L, R, Y, N, H), and its x and y coordinates (between 0 and 1). The first state listed is the start state. Each edge (transition) is specified with 4 required values: the starting state, the ending state, the symbol to read, and the symbol to write. An optional 5th parameter specifies the curvature with which to draw the edge (straight line by default). Each tape is specified by listing its symbols, separated by spaces. The tape head starts at the symbol delimited by square braces, which for this assignment should always be the leftmost non-blank character.

    This assignment was created by Kevin Wayne.
    Copyright © 2004.