Princeton University
Computer Science Department

Computer Science 402
Artificial Intelligence

Rob Schapire

Fall 2004

General Information | Schedule & Readings | Assignments | Whiteboard

Schedule and readings

Numbers in brackets under "readings" refer to chapters or sections of Russell & Norvig.





1 Th 9/9 General introduction to AI. [1]

AI Growing Up by James Allen (but skip or skim page 19 to end).

2 Tu 9/14 Uninformed (blind) search [3.1-3.5]
3 Th 9/16 Guest lecture: Gilbert Harman, Professor of Philosophy, "Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence" [26]
4 Tu 9/21 Informed (heuristic) search [4.1-4.2]
5 Th 9/23 Local search; searching in games [4.3], [6] (but okay to skip [6.5])
Tu 9/28
Th 9/30
Propositional logic [7.1-7.5]
8 Tu 10/5 Other methods and uses of solving CNF sentences, including planning [7.6; 11.1, 11.5]
9 Th 10/7 Cursory look at first-order logic;
Uncertainty and basics of probability
[8.1-8.3] (okay to skim these);
10 Tu 10/12 Independence and Bayes rule;
Beginning Bayesian networks
11 Th 10/14 Semantics and exact inference with Bayesian networks [14.2-14.4]
12 Tu 10/19 Approximate inference with Bayesian networks [14.5];
additional remarks
Th 10/21
Tu 11/2
Uncertainty over time (temporal models; HMM's) [15.1-15.5]
formal derivations (optional)
15 Th 11/4 Speech recognition [15.6]
16 Tu 11/9 Decision theory; Markov decision processes  [16.1-16.3]; [17.1]
17 Th 11/11 More MDP's (value iteration; Bellman equations) [17.2]
18 Tu 11/16 Finish MDP's (policy iteration)
Machine Learning
19 Th 11/18 Decision trees [18.3]
20 Tu 11/23 Computational learning theory [18.5]
21 Tu 11/30 Boosting [18.4]
boosting slides
face slide
training error proof
22 Th 12/2 Support-vector machines
Neural networks
23 Tu 12/7 Learning Bayes net and HMM parameters [20.1-20.3]
24 Th 12/9 Learning in MDP's [21.1-21.4]



Other (optional) readings and links

AAAI website with LOTS of readings on AI in general, AI in the news, etc.

Robocup website.  The simulation league movies can be found here.  (Click on "results", and then on the "F" next to any match.)  Four-legged robot league movies can be found here.

The particle filtering demo came from here on Sebastian Thrun's website.

The face-detection demo was created by Paul Viola and Michael Jones, and is available here.

A demo of LeNet, a neural network for optical-character recognition, is available here, part of Yann Lecun's website.  Click the links on the left to see how it does on various inputs.  The figure shows the activations of various layers of the network, where layer-1 is the deepest.  (See the papers on the LeNet website, especially the first one, for more detail.)