COS 402: Artificial Intelligence

Homework #0


Due: Friday, September 10
(or as soon as possible)

1. Add yourself to the course mailing list by visiting

2. If you do not already know Java, you need to start learning it, for instance, by reading Java in a Nutshell.

3. Send a plain text email message to zbarutcu@ with the following information:

Your name

OIT username

Your year, major and intended degree (AB, BSE, PhD, etc.)

Proficiency in the following languages on a scale from 1 to 5
(where 1 = no experience, 5 = professional-level expertise):




Would you be interested in attending a Java review session run by the TA?

Times you CAN attend TA office hours (delete all other times):

Mon 3-4pm
Tue 2-3pm
Wed 3-4pm