 *  This is a template file for Wave.java. It lists the constructors and
 *  methods you need, along with descriptions of what they're supposed to do.
 *  Note: it won't compile until you fill in the constructors and methods
 *        (or at least commment out the ones whose return type is non-void).

import javazoom.jl.player.Player;

public class Wave {
    private int N;            // number of samples per channel
    private short[] left;     // left channel samples
    private short[] right;    // right channel samples

    // create and init a new object with the given frequency, duration, and amplitude
    public Wave(double Hz, double seconds, double amplitude) {
        // YOUR CODE HERE

    // create and init a new object with the given left and right samples
    public Wave(short[] L, short[] R) {
        // YOUR CODE HERE

    // return a new Wave c whose value is (this + b)
    public Wave plus(Wave b) {
        // YOUR CODE HERE

    // play this wave
    public void play() {
        // YOUR CODE HERE

    // draw this wave
    public void draw() {
        // YOUR CODE HERE
