COS 109 Survey Results

Mon Sep 13 21:06:48 EDT 2004

A wonderfully diverse group, with all kinds of interests; this is going to be a fun semester. With 77 responses:

Class: 23 frosh, 28 soph, 9 junior, 17 senior

Your major or likely or possible major, with some double counting, and I might have missed a few when people suggested several possibilities:

13 HIS, 11 ENG, 11 POL/WWS, 7 ECO, 7 PSY, 5 ANT, 4 MUS, 4 SOC, 3 MOL, 2 REL, 2 NES, 2 EEB, 1 each of FIT, ART, CHE, VIS, CWR, ARC, COM, EAS, and 4 of the ever popular UNK.

Your life outside class, e.g., sport, music, theater, Prince, sleep, ...:

Lots of sports, both varsity and club, followed closely by music in its myriad forms, theater and dance, writing in various venues, service from USG to community and church groups, work, and of course lots of sleep. (Good luck on that one.)

Your computer experience:     none 12     a little 36       some 24       a lot 2

What kind of computer do you have?      PC 64   Mac 12   none 0

     Is it a      laptop? 69   desktop? 8           Does it have wireless?   yes 50      no 19

Which of these gadgets do you own?
       cell phone 65   DVD burner 20   digital camera 40   digital video recorder 10   MP3 player 33

Are there any topics you would especially like to hear about in class?

"Anything" garnered 6, as did spyware and various copyright and IP questions; all will be covered. Web pages, security, and programming all got 3 each; again, there will definitely be coverage of those: web pages and programming get lab time, and security and programming get class time. Wireless got 2; there will be some discussion, though I'm not sure exactly what yet. There were also some general comments about just demystifying things ("Why does my computer hate me?") and troubleshooting that I'll try to talk about.

These are the first choices of lab sections. Monday night is very popular. I will try to arrange at least extra TA's and maybe an extra room just in case everyone shows up.

Monday, 1:30-4:20 PM 12 Monday, 7:30-10:20 PM 29
Tuesday, 1:30-4:20 PM 10 Tuesday, 7:30-10:20 PM 15
Wednesday, 7:30-10:20 PM 11