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COS 526 - Advanced Computer Graphics |
Fall 2003 |
Course home | Outline and lecture notes | Assignments |
For this assignment, you will implement a Monte Carlo path tracer. Your program must do the following:
In addition, you must implement one of the following:
There is code available here as a starting point for your assignment (courtesy Tom Funkhouser). To allow you to focus on the nuts and bolts of the actual Monte Carlo path tracing, you are provided with a libaries (in the "pkgs" subdirectory) that provide a host of data structures for basic math and data manipulation operations (pkgs/RNBasics), 2D geometry (pkgs/R2Shapes), 3D geometry (pkgs/R3Shapes), and computer graphics rendering (pkgs/R3Graphics). "Documentation" for each C++ class is provided in the "docs" subdirectory, and example programs appear in the "apps" subdirectory. In particular, you should start by editing the code in apps/rdraw.C and/or apps/monte/rmonte.C, which implements simple ray casters and provide a good initial structure for your program.
After you copy the provided files to your directory (e.g., /u/sue/assn1), the first thing to do is compile all the existing code. If you are developing on a Windows NT machine, running Microsoft Visual C++, from the MS-DOS prompt, type:
% cd /u/sue/assn1 % "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\vcvars32" % nmake
Then, you can begin editing the code in /u/sue/assn1/apps/monte/monte.C. it is recommended that you develop incrementally (implement in small steps, and test each step separately) and that you do most of your testing on simple, well-designed examples (simple scenes, small images, few paths per pixel, stresses feature of interest, etc.) because execution/debugging times will be quite long otherwise.
The code provides a function (R3ReadRayFile in R3Graphics/R3Io.C) to read simple scene files. The syntax of the .ray file format is described here. Those of you who took CS426 will recognize it as a subset of the .ray file format used for the ray tracing assignment (with a few minor changes). Most significantly, groups with arbitrary transformations are not included, which makes intersection and sampling of rays much simpler. A repository of sample .ray files will be provided here.
Please put your code and writeup in a .zip or .tar.gz file and attach it in an email to smr@cs.princeton.edu, with "CS526" in the subject line. Please see the general notes on submitting your assignments, as well as the late policy and the collaboration policy.