Princeton University
Computer Science Department

Computer Science 217
Introduction to Programming Systems

Andrew W. Appel

Fall 2003

General Information | Schedule | Assignments | Announcements | Policies

Course Summary

The purpose of this course is to provide the fundamental background necessary to understand, design and implement the components of programming systems. Examples of such components include text editors, assemblers, compilers, loaders, interpreters, and portions of operating systems. The course is divided into three major parts, machine organization and assembly language programming, program design and development, and software tools.

Administrative Information


TTh 10:00-10:50, Computer Science Building 105


  1. TTh 1:30-2:20, Friend Center 109 (Robert Dondero)
  2. MW 1:30-2:20, Friend Center 111 (Robert Dondero)
  3. MW 10:00-10:50, Computer Science Building 102 (Benedict Brown)


Andrew Appel : Computer Science Building 409 : 609-258-4627 :
Office Hours: send e-mail for appointment, or just stop by (I can often be found in my office).


Robert Dondero : Computer Science Building 206 : 609-258-2211 :
Office Hours: MTWTh 12:00 - 1:00, or by appointment

Benedict Brown : Computer Science Building 215 : 609-258-1794 :
Office Hours: WTh 11:00 - 12:00, or by appointment

Undergraduate Coordinator: 

Tina McCoy : Computer Science Building 410 : 609-258-1746 :


COS 126. In particular, you should know the material in Chapters 1-9, 11-14, and 16.1-3 of the King textbook.

Textbooks and Other Reading

Required (available at the University Bookstore):

Required (to be handed out in lecture):

Optional (available at the University Bookstore, and on reserve in the Engineering Library):

Other (on reserve in the Engineering Library):

Note: You may use different editions of the textbooks, but if so then you are responsible for figuring out any changes in section numbers for the readings.

Academic Regulations

The Policies regarding collaboration and plagiarism are similar to those in COS 126. Please read them.