Special collaboration policy:
For this assignment only, you may work jointly
with a partner. That is, you may choose to develop and
write your code with one COS 126 classmate. In that case, you should
write and turn in individual readme.txt files, but only turn
in one copy of the code. Of course, both partners are responsible for
jointly contributing to and understanding everything that is turned in.
Frequently Asked Questions |
I'm having trouble with trigonometry. What could be wrong? It's fine to just use the formula provided. Note that a sine waves repeats every 2π radians or 360 degrees. In Java, the argument to Math.sin should be in radians, not degrees. Use Math.PI to get the mathematical constant π.
I can play CDs and MP3s using my favorite media player, but I don't get any sound out of Java. What could be wrong? First, be sure to try the JavaLayer Player javazoom.jl.player.jlp as suggested in the assignment - this will ensure that the problem is not in any of your code. If you don't get any sound, it may be because your operating system has turned off the sound device that Java uses. On my Windows XP machine, I had to go to Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Multimedia -> Volume Control and unmute the Wave Out slider. The 017 labs in the Friend center may need a similar adjustment.
My program does not play any sound under Windows 2000. What's wrong? Sometimes the audio device gets "locked up" and programs (Winamp, Windows Media Player, the Java MP3 player) cannot play sound. This is a well-known bug in Windows 2000. You can usually work around it by logging off and logging back in.
How do I convert from a double to an int? Use an explicit cast: int n = (int) x; - this will truncate the real value x to an integer n.
How do I determine how many elements are in an array? If a is an array, then a.length gives its length.
How do I divide two integers and end up with a real number? In Java, when you divide two values of type int, the result is an int. This could lead to unintended results - a / 32768 is 0 for all values of a between 0 and 32767. If you make one of the operand a double (by an explicit cast or multiplying by 1.0) then you will get the desired result.
Why does the compiler complain when I try to set c = a + b; where all three variables are of type short? Java has some arcane type conversion rules. In this case the expression a + b is automatically promoted to be of type int. Assigning an int to a short requires an explicit cast: c = (short) (a + b);.
My echo filter sounds really weird on some inputs. Why is this? The raw data is stored as a short, which can only take on values between -32,768 and 32,767. The strange noise may be the result of overflowing these bounds by adding two waves.
I get an ArrayOutOfBounds or NullPointerException error. What could cause this? Do your constructors initialize all of the data members (left, right, and N)? Did you allocate memory for each of your arrays with new? Did you inadvertently redeclare int N or short[] left in a method or constructor, thereby hiding the data members with the same name?
Do I need to worry about adding two waves that have a different number of samples? Or a wave whose left and right channels have a different number of samples? No. It's fine to assume all waves within a given program will have the same length (but that number need not be 44,100 or 1,152).
Why do I need to include System.exit(0) at the end of my program? There is a documented bug in the Java VM that prevents the program from exiting cleanly when you interact with a sound card. This is the temporary work-around.
Why can't I just put Player.java in my working directory and avoid the classpath stuff as with Turtle.java? You could, but Player.java relies on 78 other user-defined files, so you'd have to put them in the same place too.
I can get the music to play, but I can't get the graphics to display, and I'm using Apple's Java 1.4.1_01. There appears to be a bug with either Player.java or Apple's JVM. A work-around is to execute using Java 1.3.1. Compile as usual, but type the following command to execute
/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.3.1/Commands/java -classpath .:player.jar MP3Viewer felten.mp3
Input, Output, and Testing |
Input. Here are some sample input files.
Compilation. Your programs must be named Wave.java, EchoFilter.java, and MP3Viewer.java. Don't forget to hit the "Run Script" button on the submission system to test that it compiles cleanly.
Submission |
Use the following readme file template.
Possible Progress Steps |
These are purely suggestions for how you might make progress. You do not have to follow these steps.
public class Wave { private int N; // number of samples per channel private short[] left; // samples for left channel private short[] right; // samples for right channel }
Enrichment |
felten.mp3. The song All My Trials was performed and recorded by Princeton professor Perry Cook after another Princeton professor Ed Felten was threatened with a lawsuit by the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) for presenting an academic paper that explained the inherent flaws in several digital watermarking schemes. Lifted by the spirits of Perry Cook's song, and With support from the EFF, Ed Felten was able to defeat the mighty RIAA.
MP3 file format. The MP3 file format stores digital audio in a compressed format. It compresses digital audio by eliminating (i) sounds that the human ear cannot hear, (ii) soudns that go unheard because there is another sound that masks it, and (iii) sounds that are not heard well at all. The net effect is a file that is 10-12 times smaller than the original, without sacrificing too much in fidelity. The mp3 file consists of frames. Each frame, when decoded, contains an array of 2,304 signed 16-bit integers that represent instantaneous amplitude. mp3 files interleave the left and right stereo channels: the first element of the array is the amplitude of the first sampling of the left stereo channel, and the second element is the amplitude of the first sampling of the right stereo channel, and so on.
Ripple echo effect. To get a ripple echo effect (where the sound echoes forever, but decays over time), take the average of the current Wave and the Wave you played 10 time steps ago (instead of the one you read in 10 steps ago).
Frequencies of musical notes. Middle C is 240Hz. Each octave has a frequency that is twice the previous one. In Western culture, each octave is divided into twelve steps. Each note has a frequency that is the twelfth root of two times the previous one. This logarithmic scale is used to correlate with human hearing.
Music theory. For a massive overload in information regarding Music Theory, check out http://www.musictheory.net.
More data files. Here are some famous speeches and soundbytes.