COS 226 Assignment 7 (problem set)

Submission deadline 11/20, midnight. Insert your work into the COS226 envelope hung up on the door of office 205 CS Building (Donna Gabai's office).

1. Give the contents of the hash table that results when you insert items with the keys E A S Y Q U T I O N in that order into an initially empty table of M = 5 lists, using standard chaining with unordered lists. Use the hash function 11 k mod M to transform the kth letter of the alphabet into a table index, e.g., hash(I) = hash(9) = 99 % 5 = 4.

2. Give the contents of the hash table that results when you insert items with the keys E A S Y Q U T I O N in that order into an initially empty table of size M = 16 using linear probing. Use the hash function 11k mod M to transform the kth letter of the alphabet into a table index.

3. Consider a hash table of size m= 1000 and the hash function h(k)= [m (kA (mod 1))] for A= (sqrt(5)-1)/2; the notation [x] refers to the largest integer at most x. For example [3.14]=3. Of course, x (mod 1) is the fractional part of x. Compute the locations to which the keys 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 are mapped.

4. Suppose we wish to search a linked list of length n, where each element contains a key k along with a hash value h(k). Each key is a long character string. How might we take advantage of the hash value when searching the list for an element with a given key?

5. Draw the "jump" table for the string aabbaaabbb used in the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm.

6. Here is another method for checking over a phone line if two strings of bits are identical. Take a random prime number p between 2 and, say, n^2. Answer yes if A (mod p) = B (mod p) and no otherwise, where A and B denote the numbers whose binary representation is and, respectively. Prove that the probability of having a false positive (ie, a yes that should have been a no) goes to 0 as n goes to infinity.

HINT: Use the fact that the number of primes less than n^2 is at least c n^2/log n, for some constant c>0.