COS 597B - 3D Photography

Fall, 2002

Course home Outline and lecture notes Project information Links

Date Topic Readings Notes
Fri, Sep 13 3D Photography: technologies, data types, applications;
Case studies: 3 sculpture digitization projects
Pietà project
Digital Michelangelo project
Great Buddha project
Lecture notes
Wed, Sep 18 Overview of 3D scanners; the 3D model acquisition pipeline   Lecture notes
Mon, Sep 23 Sensors and optics   Lecture notes
Wed, Sep 25 Triangulation scanner designs: single-stripe, time-coded structured light, active stereo, shadow Shadow scanning
Stereo+laser stripe scanner
Color stripe scanner
Stripe boundary codes
Lecture notes
Mon, Sep 30 Calibration Camera calibration links Lecture notes
Wed, Oct 2 Project discussion: scanner design Spacetime analysis  
Mon, Oct 7 Scan-to-scan pairwise alignment: the ICP algorithm
  ([Besl 92] and [Chen 91] are the "classic" papers)
Paper on ICP variants
Lots of ICP paper links
Lecture notes
Wed, Oct 9 ICP derivation and stability analysis ICP math and stability  
Mon, Oct 14 Global registration; automated initial alignment Pulli's multiview registration
Huber's automatic modeling
Lecture notes
Wed, Oct 16 3D model reconstruction: Zipper, BPA, Crusts The "Zipper" algorithm
The "Crust" algorithm
Lecture notes
Mon, Oct 21 3D model reconstruction: VRIP and other volumetric algorithms VRIP paper Lecture notes
Wed, Oct 23 Project discussion: alignment and reconstruction    
Mon, Oct 28 No class - fall break    
Wed, Oct 30 No class - fall break    
Mon, Nov 4 Scan filtering Implicit fairing paper  
Wed, Nov 6 Point-based rendering, streaming QSplat paper
Streaming QSplat paper
Mon, Nov 11 Project discussion: cameras, calibration    
Wed, Nov 13 More on calibration    
Mon, Nov 18 Shape from shading and photometric stereo Photometric stereo
Helmholtz reciprocity
Wed, Nov 20 View-dependent texture mapping    
Mon, Nov 25 Project discussion: current status, color    
Wed, Nov 27 No class - Happy Thanksgiving    
Mon, Dec 2 Facade    
Wed, Dec 4 Image-based modeling and rendering: light fields, lumigraphs    
Mon, Dec 9 Recent IBR approaches: unstructured lumigraphs, opacity hulls    
Wed, Dec 11 Final project presentations    

Last update 1-Dec-2002 21:24:11