This assignment is a follow-on to the previous one. Your task in this assignment is to create a Kalah referee program that can launch and monitor the execution of two competing Kalah player programs. More specifically, your job is to create code which, when combined with portions of your team's Kalah player code from the previous assignment, implements a Kalah referee program.
Your Kalah referee should accept two command line arguments:
Your Kalah referee should keep track of the state of the game so it knows whose move is next, when the game is over, and who won.
Informally, your Kalah referee should use this algorithm:
Your Kalah referee should insure that neither Kalah player consumes more than 2 minutes of CPU time.
For simplicity, your Kalah referee need not detect when a Kalah player has crashed. Suggestion: Enhance your referee so it does detect when a player has crashed.
Your Kalah referee should use the pipe system call to create pipes through which it communicates with the Kalah players. It should use the fork system call to create child referees, and the execvp system call to overlay each child referee with a player. It should use the close and dup (or dup2) system calls to redirect stdin and stdout of each player so the player writes moves to the referee through a pipe, and reads moves from the referee through a pipe.
Your Kalah referee should use the setrlimit system call to set the CPU limit for each player. More precisely, before overlaying itself with a player, each child referee process should call setrlimit to limit the amount of CPU time that the process may consume to 2 minutes.
After a failed system call, your Kalah referee should use the perror function to print an indication of what went wrong to stderr.
Suggested enhancement (for no extra credit): Design your Kalah referee so it uses the UNIX signal and alarm functions to detect when a player has crashed, and then declares the winner and ends the game.
This is not a team assignment; you should create your Kalah referee on your own. However, you should feel free to use the Kalah player code that your team created in the previous assignment. You may ask any of your teammates for Kalah player code; if a teammate asks you for your Kalah player code, you should provide it. You should only get Kalah player source code from other people after you have submitted your own Kalah player program for a grade.
You should develop on arizona. Use Emacs to create source code. Use the "make" tool to build. Use gdb to debug.Recall that a sample executable Kalah referee program is available in file /u/cs217/Assignment3/samplekalahreferee. You may use it to answer questions about the desired functionality of your Kalah referee.
You should submit:
Your readme file should contain:
If you can reuse some of the kalah player files from the previous assignment completely unchanged, so much the better. Please mention in your readme whether this was possible.
Submit your work electronically via the command /u/cs217/bin/submit 4 sourcecodefiles makefile readme.
We will test your work by using your makefile and source code files to build kalahreferee. We will then use your kalahreferee to conduct games between two instances of samplekalahplayer.