Computer Science 217
Introduction to Programming Systems
Larry Peterson
Fall 2001
General Information |
Lecture Schedule |
Precept Schedule |
Assignments |
There are six programming assignments. All assignments are due at
11:59pm of the stated due date.
Assignment Late Submission Policy
You should submit your work on an assignment (electronically) before its
due time. If you submit your work late, we will give you credit for it
on this scale:
85% for work submitted up to 12 hours late,
75% for work submitted up to 24 hours late,
50% for work submitted up to 48 hours late,
0% for work submitted more than 48 hours late.
We will grant extensions only in the case of illness (with a doctor's
note) or extremely extenuating circumstances. If you do have an
extremely extenuating circumstance, please discuss it with us as
soon as possible. Please plan your work on the assignments so that
travel, religious holidays, etc. do not cause you to submit it late.
Assignment Collaboration Policy
Your first step when doing an assignment is to reach your own conceptual
understanding of the problem and discover a path to its solution. We encourage
you to discuss the assignment with friends during this time. Your second
(and final) step is to write the code that solves the problem. During
that time, discussions with friends are no longer allowed. You must
write your program alone, or with help only from us or the lab assistants.
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
Copying any part of another person's program into your code. The only exception
here is code given to you in the assignment directories.
Working or collaborating with another student after either of you has started
writing code.
Consulting or using assignment solutions from any previous offering of
this course.
Helping another student to do any of the above.
Of course it is acceptable to ask friends generic questions about the tools
and techniques that are prerequisites for an assignment, or to answer such
questions. For example, you may ask friends generic questions about
the C programming language, the UNIX operating system, etc. at any time.
You are responsible for insuring that your assignment files are not
readable by your classmates. We recommend that you store all of your assignment
files in a private directory. You can create a private directory
using commands similar to these:
% mkdir cs217
% chmod 700 cs217
Failure to adhere to the assignment collaboration policy constitutes a
violation of the University's honor code, with all of the associated consequences.
We cannot accept ignorance of the assignment collaboration policy as an
excuse for violating it. When in doubt, please ask us before acting.
Assignment Communication
You may post assignment-related questions/comments to the course newsgroup.
We will make every effort to respond promptly. We may also post unsolicited
assignment-related information to the newsgroup. You should check the newsgroup
frequently while working on your assignments.
Alternatively you may send e-mail
to us. In general, if you have a question/comment that will be helpful
to other students, then you should post it to the newsgroup; if
you have a question/comment that is specific to your work, then you should
send us e-mail.