Computer Science 217
Introduction to Programming Systems
Larry Peterson |
Fall 2001 |
General Information |
Lecture Schedule |
Precept Schedule |
Assignments |
Course Summary
The purpose of this course is to provide the fundamental background necessary
to understand, design and implement the components of programming systems.
Examples of such components include text editors, assemblers, compilers,
loaders, interpreters, and portions of operating systems. The course is
divided into three major parts, machine organization and assembly language
programming, program design and development, and software tools.
Prerequisite: COS 126.
Administrative Information
Lectures: TTh 11:00-11:50 : CS 104
Professor: Larry Peterson, CS 308, 258-6077,
Office Hours: Wed 2:00 - 4:00, or by appointment
Undergraduate Coordinator:
Tina McCoy :
CS 410 : 258-1746 :
You will be responsible for the material presented in every lecture. Some
of this material will not be in the textbooks.
You should attend one MF precept-pair each week. You should try to go
to the same precept since that's how you will be judged for
participation. Of course, if you miss one you are allowed to go to
See assignments page.
Please monitor the newsgroup ( pu.cs.217 )
regularly because we will use it to make
announcements. It will also be a valuable source of hints for your
programming assignments.
Directions for viewing newsgroups from pine
Your final grade is weighted as follows:
Midterms (2) : |
33% |
Programs (6): |
67% |
Your grade is also influenced to subjective factors, such as
class participation.
Samuel P. Harbison and Guy L. Steele Jr. C: A reference manual, Fourth
Edition. Prentice Hall. 1995.
Richard P. Paul. SPARC Architecture, Assembly Language Programming,
& C. Prentice-Hall. 1993.
David R. Hanson. C Interfaces and Implementations: Techniques for Creating
Reusable Software. Addison-Wesley. 1997. (errata for [1st
printing] [2nd
printing] of this book.)
Michael Kosta Loukides, Andy Oram, Mike Loukides, Andrew Oram Programming With GNU Software
O'Reilly. 1997.
Note: You may use different editions of the books, but if so then
you are responsible for figuring out any changes in section numbers for
the readings.