Due by 5 PM, Wednesday Nov. 8, 2000
Chapter 2 of the text is the background reading for some of these problems.
1. Exercise 2.14 from the text. Please include a short justification for each subset--an equation will do.
2. (counts as 2 questions) Exercise 2.37 from the text, but just find one article or advertisement. The more egregious, the better. Turn in a copy of the article, together with your analysis of it.
3. Exercise 3.17 from the text.
4. Exercise 5.25 from the text. Please answer this using the multi-cycle design of Chapter 5. Note that lui (load upper immediate) is not a "load" instruction (sorry about the name). The reason is that lui puts an immediate value in a register, and never touches the data memory.
5. (counts as 3 questions) Figure out how to use the tools pixie and prof on the MIPS-architecture CIT (not CS) machines you reach by rlogging into "zoe" (you may need to use ssh rather than rlogin). The machine name is important. If you use "sesamest" you may end up on "oscar" which for unknown reasons is configured in some inconvenient way. Then find or write two different (short!) C programs that solve the same problem in two different ways, and generate an opcode distribution histogram for each one, using the tools. For example, you might write two different integer sort programs. You'll find that pixie and prof are easy to use--just do the following for each of your programs: