Creating and Capturing Images

Color "Wheels"

Use a systematic method to display many color combination in some order.


Use Periodic functions such as sine or cosine to make "waves" of colors.

3D "Graphs"

You could plot a mathematical function with two arguments by using color as the third dimension. Examples:

Using the Digital Camera at the MECA Lab

To take a photograph using the SGI camera, run the program "capture" from your shell. Click on the icon in the lower-left hand corner of the capture program's window and set it to still-photograph icon. Open the camera's door, and adjust the focus by rotating the black rim of the lens. Set the white-balance by using the program "videopanel". (Select "IndyCam-SignalControl" from the "Pro" menu, then click on "White Balance".) You may also want to adjust the shutter speed under the IndyCam-Signal Control panel. The slower the shutter speed, the brighter the image. Moving objects can become blurrier however, as you decrease the shutter speed.
Now you're ready to capture photos! 
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Last updated July 21, 1998 by Hide Oki